The structure of a vertical machining center refers to a machining center where the spindle and worktable are set in a vertical state. The vertical machining center integrates the characteristics and functions of various CNC machine tools. Vertical machining centers are developed from basic CNC milling machines, and also integrate the characteristics and functions of CNC milling machines. Their structures are basically the same, and their machining processes are somewhat similar. The difference between vertical machining centers and CNC milling machines is that machining centers have automatic tool changing devices and tool libraries, while CNC milling machines do not have this function. A vertical machining center can complete multi process machining such as milling, boring, drilling, tapping, and threading by clamping the workpiece in one go. Moreover, a vertical machining center can achieve at least three-axis two linkage, while a general vertical machining center can achieve three-axis three linkage. Some can perform five axis and six axis control, and the more control axes, the wider the machining range.
Encara recordeu que acabem d'analitzar les avantatges dels centres de màquina vertical CNC en el text anterior? Hi ha principalment tres tipus, a saber, centres de màquina vertical CNC, que tenen una estructura simple i fàcil d'entendre, clampes convenients, són propices al refredament, tenen una gran varietat d'aplicacions i són fàcils d'eliminar les fiches. Poden evitar efectivament danys a la superfície de la pe?a de treball, tenen una petjada petita i variar en el preu. Sabeu sobre la determinació dels centres de màquina vertical CNC? Els principals desvantatges dels centres de màquina vertical CNC són els següents:
1. Due to the parallel relationship between the spindle and worktable of a vertical machining center, there is a certain height limit for the processed workpiece. In addition, there are also size limitations for fixtures and tools, and the robotic arm takes up a lot of space when changing tools.
2. From the above drawbacks, it can be seen that the possibility of CNC vertical machining centers processing box type workpieces is relatively small because their range of processing box type workpieces is relatively small. Aquest és un dels més grans inconvenients dels centres de màquina vertical.