Why should precision stamping molds be polished? The main purpose of polishing is twofold. Firstly, it can increase the brightness of the mold and improve the aesthetic appearance of the workpiece. Secondly, it can make the mold easy to demold. Next, EMAR will take you to understand the most common polishing methods for precision stamping.
1. Mechanical polishing: Mechanical polishing is a method of polishing a smooth surface by removing the convex parts after polishing through deformation processes such as cutting precision stamping molds and plastic deformation of material surfaces. For precision stamping workpieces with high surface quality requirements, ultra precision polishing can be used. Ultra precision polishing uses specially designed grinding tools, which are pressed tightly against the surface of the workpiece to be processed in a polishing solution containing abrasives, and perform high-speed rotational motion.
![精密冲压 Name(pic1)](/2024/1638961749407535813.jpg)
2. Electrolytic polishing: Precision stamping molds can be smoothed by removing small protrusions on the material surface through electrolytic polishing. Compared with chemical polishing, it can eliminate the influence of cathodic reactions and achieve better results.
3. Llosgo ultrasonig: Llosgwch y mater i'w llysgo i seibio llysgo a'i leoli gyda'i gilydd mewn maes ultrasonig. Yna, trwy awgrymu waveau ultrasonig, mae'r abrasif yn ddaear a llysgwyd ar wyneb darnau gwaith a roddir yn union. Mae gan y brosesu ultrasonig grym makroscopig isel ac ni fydd yn achosi deformation y darn gweithio, ond fe fydd yn gwneud cynhyrchu a gosod darnau gweithio sydd wedi'u stampio'n union yn fwy anodd. Gall brosesu ultrasonig gael ei gyfuno ? dulliau ceimicol neu elektrolytig. Ar sail llygrediad a electrolysis y datrys, mae'n cael eu gweithredu'r wifr ultrasonig i symud y datrys, gan achosi i'r cynhyrchu datrys ar wynebfath y darn gweithio gael eu datrys a bod y llygrediad neu'r electrolyt ger y wynebfath yn unig; Gall effaith chwyddo ultrasound mewn llyfn hefyd wasgu'r broses chwyddo, sy'n ddefnyddiol ar gyfer disgleirio'r wynebfath darnau gwaith sydd wedi'u stampio'n union.