1. Definisyon
Matyel composite yo nouvo matery¨¨l te f¨°me pa optimiser Et konbine diferan propriet¨¦ composants matery¨¨l yo itilize avanse matery¨¨l pweparasyon teknik. Definisyon jeneral de matery¨¨l konpozite mande kondisyon sa yo pou rankontre:
(i) matery¨¨l konpozisyon dwe enp¨°tan epi dezim¨¨t ak pwodwi selon bezwen moun;
(ii) matery¨¨l composite dwe composed de ou plis matery¨¨l composants ak diferan pwopriyete chimik ak fizik, konbine nan f¨°m deze?u an, pweparans, ak distribisyon, ak kl¨¨ ent¨¨fas ant chak komponent;
(iii) Li gen konstriksyon konstriksyon estrikti epi yo ka itilize pou konstriksyon estrikti composite;
(iv) matery¨¨l konpresyon pa s¨¨lman kenbe avantaj yo de rendimansyon chak matery¨¨l konpresyon, men tou rez¨¨ve rek¨°t comprehensive rendimansyon ki pa kapab s¨¨vi pa yon moun ki pa marye matery¨¨l nan complementarit¨¦ ak korelasyon de rendimansyon chak konpresyon.
Matriks matery¨¨l composite matery¨¨l sont divize nan de Kategori: metalik Et ki pa-metalik. Souvan li te itilize substrates m¨¨t antre aluminium, magnesium, copper, titanium, Et alloys yo. Pa suprasyon metalik principement enkli resin sintetik, rub, ceramik, graf, kab¨°n, etc. Prensipal ki f¨°se matery¨¨l include glas fib, kab¨°n fib, aramid fib, silicon carbide fib, asbestos fib, whiskers, Et metals.
![Sa ki f¨¨ simpozisyon metal konpoze matery¨¨l(pic1)](/uploads/allimg/20240810/3-240Q01T024940.png)
2. Klasifikasyon
Matyel composite sont yon melanj. Li te jwe yon w¨°l enp¨°tan nan anpil jaden, sosyete anpil matery¨¨l tradisyon¨¨l. Matery¨¨l ki te divize nan metal pou metal konbine matery¨¨l, ki pa-metal pou mete konbine matery¨¨l, Et ki pa-metal pou ki pa-metal konbine matery¨¨l, selon konbine yo. Segon karakteristik structural li, li kapab plus divize nan:
D'obey¨¨ 9312; dlo a f¨°s matery¨¨l konbine. Compose diferan fiber a f¨°s matery¨¨l nan matrice matery¨¨l la. Tankou tankou dlo a ikid ki a f¨°se, la f¨¨ - d¨¦clenche metals, etc.
D'obey¨¨ 931313;matery¨¨l konbine Laminate. Compose de matery¨¨l sifas ak matery¨¨l base ak diferan pwopriyete yo. Souvan, matery¨¨l sifas la gen anwo f¨°s epi ch¨¨ch. Maty¨¨ santi lan limy¨¨ Et gen faible pouvwa, men, li gen yon s¨¨ten stiffness Et pw¨¨s. Li divize nan de kalite: santi sandwich Et sandwich honeycomb.
D'obey¨¨ 9314; Maty¨¨ composite gran. Deklare anpil mal maty¨¨ nan matrice a, tankou dispersion ki te pwobableman alloys, ceramics metal, etc.
D'ad¨°t 9315nc¨¦os composite matery¨¨l Hybrid. Compose de de ou plis d¨¦forcement fason matery¨¨l mele nan yon s¨¨l matrice fason matery¨¨l. Compare ak n¨°mal youn pa mare f¨¨men konbine matery¨¨l yo, enpak f¨°s, fatige fort, ak frakt¨¨ difisil sont enp¨°tan pi bon, e li gen pwopriyete t¨¨momal ekstension espesyal. Separe nan hybrid intra w¨¨bsayt, inter w¨¨bsayt, sandwich hybrid, intra/inter w¨¨bsayt hybrid, Et super hybrid composite matery¨¨l.
Maty¨¨ composite yo ka maintenant divize nan de Kategori: matery¨¨l composite struktur¨¨l ak matery¨¨l composite fonksyon¨¨l.
Structural composite matery¨¨l sont matery¨¨l ki te itilize tankou ¨¨strikti load-bearing ¨¨strikti, ki se esansy¨¨lman composite de r¨¦f¨°sman eleman ki kapab rez¨¨ve loads Et matrice eleman ki ka mare elements r¨¦f¨°sman yo nan yon tout matery¨¨l pandan tou transmettre f¨°s. Reinforcements enkli diferan kalite glas, ceramik, kab¨°n, polimerman, metals, osi osi fibers natir¨¨l, fabriks, whiskers, sheets, Et maty¨¨, pandan ke matrices enkli polimers (resin), metals, ceramik, glas, kab¨°n Et cement. Various structural composite materials can be composed of different reinforcing agents and matrices, Et te rele apre la matrice ki te itilize, tankou polymer (resin) ki baze composite matery¨¨l. Karakteristik de matery¨¨l composite structural se sa yo ka dez¨°manse pou eleksyon composants selon sa yo neses¨¨ pou aksyon matery¨¨l la pandan s ¨¨vi ak plis enp¨°tan, dez¨°manse estrikti composite ka tou f¨¨ dey¨°, se sa rele, dez¨°manse pou reinf¨°sman dez¨°manse, ki kapab rezonab rankontre bezwen yo ak sove matery¨¨l yo.
Matris fonksyonal composite matery¨¨l sont jeneralman composed de fonksyonal k¨° composants Et matrice composants. matrice a pa s¨¨lman jwenn yon w¨°l nan kreye tout antye, men tou kapab pwodwi synergistic ou f¨°s fonksyon. Maty¨¨ fonksyonal composite rap¨° a konpozite matery¨¨l ki bay propriet¨¦ fizik l¨°t ke propriet¨¦ mechanik. Pou egzanp, conductivit¨¦, superconductivit¨¦, semiconductor, magnetisme, piezoelectricity, damping, absorption, transmission, friction, shielding, flame retardance, chal¨¨ resistans, son absorption, insulacion, etc. garantire yon s¨¨ten fonksyon. Kollektivman refere li k¨°m matery¨¨l konpozisyon fonksyon¨¨l. Material fonksyonal composite sont principement composite de fonksyonal k¨°, r¨¦f¨°sman k¨°, Et matrices. K¨° fonksyonal kapab compose de yon ou plis fonksyonal matery¨¨l. Matyel fonksyonal miltip konpozisyon ka gen plizy¨¨ fonksyon. Menm tan, li tou posib pou g¨¦n¨¦rer nouvo fonksyon ak¨°z ef¨¨ composite. Matyel fonksyon¨¨l konpoze miltip yo se direksyon devlopman de matery¨¨l fonksyon¨¨l konpoze.
Maty¨¨ composite ka tou divize nan de kategori: souvan itilize Et avanse.
Maty¨¨l konpozite komen tankou fiberglass sont konpozite de faible renf¨°masyon tankou vitre Et polymers anwo nan sy¨¨l la (resin). Tanpri li faible pri, li te widely itilize nan plizy¨¨ jaden tankou anviw¨°nman, bil, fif chimik ak depo tanks, estrikti konstriksyon, ak equipasyon esp¨°.
Maty¨¨ composite Avansy¨¨l se pou konpozite matery¨¨l ki te konpozite de polymers ki reziste a sou vye-performance chal¨¨-reziste tankou kab¨°n fiber Et aramid. pita, met¨¡l ki baze, ceramik ki baze, kab¨°n (graphite) te baze, ak fonksyonal konpozite matery¨¨l yo tou te includi. Malgre ke yo gen tr¨¨ bon performans, pwi yo sont relativement anwo nan sy¨¨l la, principement itilize nan industri defens la, aerospace, machin presyon, gwo-lanm¨¨j submersibles, robot structural composants, ak equipment esp¨° anwo nan sy¨¨l la.
3. Aplikasyon
Pwen aplikasyon nan z¨°n ki konbine matery¨¨l yo se:
D' espas Aerospace. Tanzanp bon stabilit¨¦ t¨¨rale yo, anwo nan sy¨¨l la f¨°s espesifik, ak sitiye rich, matery¨¨l konpozite yo ka itilize pou pwodwi alav aircraft ak forebodies, satellite antennas ak yo sip¨°te estrikti yo, alav sol¨¨ ak enf¨¨l, gwo enf¨¨l veyol lanse, enf¨¨l mot¨¨, plas shuttle structural composants, etc.
adventure 9313; Industri otomatik la. Tanpri a vibrasyon espesyal damman karakteristik ki konbine matery¨¨l yo ka diminye vibrasyon ak bres, gen bon fatige rezistans, yo fasil pou reparasyon apre domaj, e yo fasil pou f¨°me k¨°m yon tout. Se pout¨¨t sa, yo ka itilize pou pwodwi k¨° automobile, load-bearing composants, transmission shafts, mot¨¨ monte, ak yo entene composants.
Nan jaden chimik, textil, ak machin nan prot¨¦ines. Yon matery¨¨l ki konnen de kab¨°n fiber Et resin matrice ak bon koresyon resistans, ki kapab itilize pou pwodwi entesten chimik, machin textil, machin pap¨¨, kopiers, machin anwo nan sy¨¨l la vit¨¨s pwizisyon, etc.
adventure 9315; jaden medikal. Kab¨°n fiber konpozit matery¨¨l gen gwo pwopriyete mechanik Et ki pa r¨¦sum¨¦ de X-rayons, Et kapab itilize pou pwodwi x-reyon medikal machin ak orthopedik stents. Matyel konpozite kab¨°n gen anpil biokompatibilite ak konpatibilite san, bon stabilite nan anviw¨°nman biologik, epi yo tou itilize k¨°m materyel biomedikal. Anplis, matery¨¨l konpresyon yo tou ap itilize pou ensembleman esp¨°, epi tankou matery¨¨l konstriksyon an.
4. phosphate Zirconium te modifiche matery¨¨l konpoze
Nan senky¨¨m ane sa yo, polymer/inorganic layered nanocomposites te a konsantrasyon ki pi gwo pou pwopriyete espesyal yo nan plizy¨¨ asp¨¨. etidye anpil montre ke a pwopriyete mechanik ak t¨¨momal composite matery¨¨l ka enp¨°tan pi bon ak yon ti kont inorganic f¨¨t nano. Konnye a, genyen anpil etid sou nanocomposites de matery¨¨l inorganic kouche tankou montmorillonite Et attapulgite ak polymers, men pa gen relativement ti rech¨¨ch sou phosphate nanocomposites polymer/zirconium.
La ¦Á - ZrP laminate gen yon estrikti stab Et ka kenbe yon laminate relativement stab menm apre a introduksyon de gason nan mitan a. Li tou gen yon gwo ion echanj kapasit¨¦ Et karakteristik ki kontwole asp¨¨ rap¨° ak sous gwo partition piblikasyon, f¨¨ l' suitable pou pweparasyon de polymer/layered inorganic nanocomposites. Pou ogmante espas interw¨¨je la de phosphate zirconium, ankouraje d¨¦placement li nan matrice polymer la, epi anplike konpatibilite ant couches phosphate zirconium ak matrice polymer la, modifikasyon biologique de yon-ZrP enplike a. ¦Á - ZrP jeneralman te modifiche ak ti mol¨¦cules amines ou alkohols ¨¤- Reyaksyon OH protonasyon ou Idwoj¨¨n Liaison anndan Et dey¨° couches yo, epi kapab tou ¨ºtre intercalations ak gwo mol¨¦cules. Sepandan, akoz de la ti interlayer espaciment, li se difisil pou dir¨¨kteman intercalate gwo mol¨¦cules, Et jeneralman mande ti mol¨¦cules pre sip¨° anvan exchange ak gwo mol¨¦cules.
Sals ammonium lontan (DMA-CMS) te sinteze w ap itilize octadecyldimethylamine (DMA) ak p-chloromethylstyrene (CMS). ¦Á - ZrP a te avanse sip¨° ak metylamine. L¨¨ sa a, li te chanje ak DMA-CMS pou obtenir phosphate zirconium organikman modifye (ZrP. DMA. CMS). Fosphate zirconium organicament te puis mis ak PS pou pare PS/organicament modifiche nanocomposites zirconium, Et estrikti yo ak pwopriyete yo te etidye.
![Sa ki f¨¨ simpozisyon metal konpoze matery¨¨l(pic2)](/uploads/allimg/20240810/3-240Q01T024453.png)
XRD analisi montre sa lontan chenn quaterne ammonium salt DMA-CMS se relativement fasil pou mete ant couches ¦Á - ZrP apre pwe sip¨° metylamine. Apre ent¨¨salasyon, a distans ent¨¨glaj de phosphate zirconium ogmante de 0.8 nm pou 4.0 nm, Et ef¨¨ ent¨¨salasyon an enp¨°tan. Nano-konpozit matery¨¨l te pwepare pa twin-screw extrusion de ZrP DMA-CMS te modifye phosphate zirconium (ZrP DMA-CMS) ak PS anplis elaji interlayer espas de 4.0 nm pou 4.3 nm konpare ak ZrP DMA-CMS, ak k¨¨k polystyrene antre antre ent¨¨poze a de phosphate zirconium.
Mechanik analisi montre ke l¨¨ sa ki nan liv de phosphate zirconium se 1%, a tensile f¨°s, modulus elastik, elongasyon nan kraze, Et enpak f¨°s de PS/biologique mod¨¦e phosphate nanocomposites zirconium yo ogmante pa 4%, 21%, 8%, Et 43%, respectively. Men, ak ogmantasyon de phosphate zirconium la, de la forte, elastique modulus, elongation nan rep¨¨re, Et enpak pouvwa de nanocomposites montre yon trend desann, Et la f¨°s, rich, Et forte de matery¨¨l la k¨°manse pou diminye. Anplis de yon kantite enp¨°tan de phosphate biologique mod¨¦e zirconium ZrP DMA-CMS gen yon s¨¨ten ef¨¨ k'ap f¨°je Et en sou PS.