2018症靴緑堕袵隋、侮セン偏EMAR娼畜親僥室g嗤濤望は貧和に互い秤瓩碑L崗をS隔し、仟たなチャンスと薬蕕鰉えている´´From 2018 lunar year、All staffs who worked in Shenzhen Honvision Precision Technology Co,.Ltd are keeping high passion and morale to meet new opportunities and challenges.
揖じ朕砲墨鬚って、EMARは兜伉を梨れず、冩張して念Mし、娼畜C亠とI順の嶄でより娼業が互く、瞳|がよりれた仟しいA粁をiすることをs崩する。For a commitment, and a same goal, Honvision haven¨t forgot its original intentions and move forward. It has stride to a new level of higher precision and better quality in the CNC Machining industry.
EMAR娼畜室gは、We are specialized in
匳O筺⇒佚、高I順、オフィス、徭啝I順蛍勸の娼畜コンポ`ネント紗垢、CNC紗垢センタ`紗垢、デジタル崙囮ミリング}栽紗垢などのサ`ビスを戻工し、暴たちは娼Mし、駅勣に鬉犬咾、EMAR繁は垢健を蹄らしてすべてのu瞳をu夛し、EMARの至を廣秘し、畠圭了議に人のニ`ズを困燭后precision components processing for machine equipmentcommunication, Photoelectricity, Office and Automation industry , provide the service of CNC machining centre processing, CNC turning and milling. We strive for excellent and action on demand. Honvision¨ staff Ingenuity creates all products and infuses their souls to meet our customers needs roundly.
2018症靴猟蠅兵まったばかりで、EMARは尢余において2指の寄きなチャンスと1つの席鵑鰉えたAt the beginning of 2018 lunar year、Honvision ushered in two great opportunity and a great news.2018定3埖、揖芙はIATF 169492016徭嘴I順瞳|砿尖システムJ^に{に栽鯉した、In March 2018, our company successfully passed the automotive industry quality management system certification of IATF16949: 2016.
EMARがu瞳の瞳|砿尖をより鯉に勣箔するだけでなく、徭嘴I順への娼畜紗垢へのiみを未み竃したことを吭龍する´´It means that Honvision not only more strict with quality control、but also stepped into the pace of precision machining in the automotive industry.
2018定フランス?パリ忽H垢I何瞳婢E氏MIDESTと及19指侮セン忽HC亠u夛垢I婢E氏SIMMがgもなく_鳥する。MIDEST 2018 In Paris and the 19th SIMM will open soon.
MIDEST婢3催^3 D 11ブ`ス
SIMM婢幣氏4 D 01ブ`スご栖お棋ちしておりますLooking forward to your visit
2018定、EMARはあなたと匯wに返を亊えて、隆栖の親僥室g伏試を_撹するためにたゆまず適薦しますIn 2018, Honvision will work with you hand in hand to make unremitting efforts for the future of science and technology life.