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Bluetooth speaker precision punching
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Bluetooth speaker precision punching

Bluetooth speaker precision punching

Product Name: Bluetooth Speaker Precision Punching MeshMaterial: Metal materialCan it be customized: Support customizationAlias: Bluetooth Speaker Punching Plate, Bluetooth Speaker Punching ScreenProd

Bluetooth speaker precision punching(pic1)

Product Name: Bluetooth Speaker Precision Punching Mesh

Material: Metal material

Can it be customized: Support customization

Alias: Bluetooth Speaker Punching Plate, Bluetooth Speaker Punching Screen

Produktura Introduction:

Bluetooth speaker precision punching mesh is made by punching holes of various shapes on stainless steel or other metal materials to meet different needs. It has a wide variety of specifications, different usage pages, different aperture sizes, and different materials. Due to the wide variety, there is no specific conventional size, and most are customized according to customer requirements. Common specifications include rectangular holes, square holes, diamond holes, circular holes, elongated holes, hexagonal holes, etc.

Procedus produktus:

Est etiam diversa procedura productionis pro precision punching mesh of Bluetooth speakers, et diversa procedura potest selecta secundum diversas necessitates. Common processes include continuous punching in the same direction, continuous forming, multi directional continuous punching, single forming, single punching, and array forming; Omnia procedura diversa utilia habet.

Product Features:

Multae functiones Bluetooth speakentium precision punching mesh sunt, et sequentes breve descriptae sunt:

1. Improving protective capabilities can play a role in ensuring personal safety.

2. Intellectum proficiscentiae intellegere potest, et pulchrior aspectus eius ad personas attention est.

3. Easy to install and maintain due to the use of special materials, it ensures its life span and ease of maintenance.

4. Reductione sonitum habet bonam effectum absorptionis sonitus.

5. Decorative embellishments for various purposes.

Producta Usage:

Classificatio fluctus Bluetooth loquentibus habet functiones reduction is sonorum, absorptionis sonorum, pulverem preventionis etc. In principio loquentibus Bluetooth, loquentibus, capitibus, loquentibus et ceteris produktis utilitur.