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Release time:2024-05-30     Number of views :

In progresso technologiae, plures et plures artificia aurea in marketo sunt, inclusive aurum 3D difficile, aurum 5G et aurum antiquum. Wait, it's often confusing to distinguish. Hodie videamus modos 3D, 5D, 5G et antiquos simul CNC、 Dot gold drill, low temperature enamel, high temperature blue burning process After reading it, you will know how to choose!

Aurum durum 3D

1. pondus auri 3D difficili ad ornamentum unius volumine est quasi tertiam ex auro traditionis pedum et difficile eius quattuor vices est auro traditionis pedum;

2. Correspondingly, with the same volume, 3D hard gold is lighter in weight and more cost-effective than traditional full gold;

3. Pro altitudinem fortitudinis aurum 3D potentiam habere potest quam aurum regularum.

4. Aurum durum 3D aurum purum est, cum auro aedem quam auro regula.

5. Aurum 3D difficile dissipatum habet, et ipsum productum est tenuum, it a ut collisio et compressio evaderetur. Utrum cotidie lavare et dormiere recommenditur, ut non efficiat tumultum.


5D Gold Hard (potest intellegere quasi version moderata 3D Gold Hard)

1. 5D hard gold is essentially the same as 3D hard gold, with only an upgrade in the field of electroforming;

2. Solutione upgrade non continet cyanidus, commonly known as cyanide free 5D;

3. Upgradens ollam potest multiplicare fortitudinem auri, tenuere illud, et faciat illud multo leviorem quam vasa aurea traditionis.

4. It is lighter, harder, brighter, more wear-resistant, and more environmentally friendly than 3D hard gold, and endows gold with higher wear resistance.


paper size

Aurum 5G est nova technologia auri, quae convenit aurum et K-aurum tecnologias tradicionales. Con secundum colorem auri purissimi standardissimum, superiorem difficultatem et ductilitatem habet, qui confringet limitationes tecnologiae auri tradicionalis et multiformalis stilorum dissipationis, facit illud modabiler.

The production of 5G gold involves adding a certain amount of rare elements, commonly known as "hard gold powder", to the gold material during the process of dissolving gold, and then catalyzing it through high temperature melting to make the molecular structure of gold more compact without affecting its purity.


Methoda antiqua aura

Aurum antiquum ex auro antiquo praecipientium hereditatis kulturae nacionalis incontabilis est. Et habet characteres resistentes sordido et vestimento, difficile relinquere digitos et caractores dulcis, minus pronus ad limos, et adequat ludere cum. Et ex auro denso factum est, quod pondus et texturam gravitudinem suam videlicet et cum indutus est.


CNC Gold

CNC gold, in layman's terms, refers to gold jewelry that is cut by machines. Its full name is CNC computer digital control precision mechanical processing. All jewelry sizes and specifications are input into the computer for strict standard cutting, ensuring the consistency of product texture, high precision, good symmetry, and stable quality. These are the unique attributes and characteristics of CNC gold


Dot Gold Dot Diamond

Nova artificia aurea aurea quasi diamanta lucet aurum.

Technologia aurea punctus diamantes nova est quae materiales aureas et CNC tecnologia in agro auro tradicionale combinat. Hoc designum proprietates aureas aureas conservationis valoris conservationis constituit dum diamantes brilliantur.

Using precision CNC technology to carve gold in diamond like faces, the overall shape fully preserves the crown, waist and pavilion of the diamond. After electroplating it with rhodium in white, it is embedded in gold, presenting a dazzling diamond like luster. Diamantes punctum lucis diamantis et umbrae reflexionis auris tradicionis adiunt. It combines the luxury of gold with the brilliance of diamonds, bringing unprecedented new experiences to the new generation of consumers in gold products.


Low-temperature enamel

Component primus glaze est materiae fluctis epoxiae resinae, qu? tantum temperatura minima 40-100 ° C est coxere debet. Post coxendum, color solidabitur, et flux procedentis relativamente simplex est cum humilio duritate.


Temperatura alta caerulea rosata

Component principis substantiae silicae est, quae repetitis in alta temperatura octoginta graduum firentur. Processus cumbersome est, tecnologia alta est, cost a relativa alta est, difficile alta est, resistantur oxidationi, et non deficiet.


Comprehensive information and image sources: Zhaojin, Jewelry class, online, specific sources unknown

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