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Price of CNC machine processing fees
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Price of CNC machine processing fees

Release time:2024-08-11     Number of views :

Price of CNC machine processing fees(pic1)


Processing equipment

1. Ordinary lathe:

Lathi prima sunt ad machinandum lapides, discs, sleeves, et alias opera cum superficie rotantibus, et sunt maxima amplius utilis typus instrumenti machinae in manufacturo mecanica. (Potet precision 0.01mm attingere)

2. Ordinary milling machine:

It can process flat surfaces, grooves, as well as various curved surfaces, gears, etc., and can also process more complex profiles. (Potet precision 0,05mm attingere)

3. Grinding machine

Grinder instrumentum machinae est qui faciem artificis pulsat. (Potet precision 0,005mm attingere, parvuli partes 0,002mm attingere potest)

4. CNC lathe

Mainly processing bulk products, high-precision parts, etc. (Potet precision 0.01mm attingere)

5. CNC milling machine

Mainly processing bulk products, high-precision parts, complex parts, large workpieces, etc. (Potet precision 0.01mm attingere)

6. Wire cutting

Elektrom lentem trabem aerum est, et mediam trabem molybdenum est. Lente fertilibus processionis alta precision et bona superficie splendor. Procede quaedam rupum precisium, precisium grooves, etc. (Slow wire can achieve an accuracy of 0.003mm, medium wire can achieve an accuracy of 0.02mm)

7. Spark machine

Electric discharge machining can process materials and complex shaped workpieces that are difficult to cut using ordinary cutting methods, without being affected by material hardness or heat treatment conditions. (Potet precision 0,005mm attingere)


Processus scientiam

1) Holas accurates minus quam 0,05mm molare non possunt et machina CNC require non possunt; Si cauda est, etiam cauda secetur.

2) Cellas precisiis (per holas) post extinguendum praeparata sunt fertilibus inter processionem; Cultra pulchra machina difficile requirunt ante extinguendum et machinam precision post extinguendum. Non precision holas ante extinguendum posibile sunt (relinquebant quotas ex 0,2mm ex uno latere).

3) Grooves with a width of less than 2mm require wire cutting processing, and grooves with a depth of 3-4mm also require wire cutting processing.

4) Minimum allowance for rough machining of quenched parts is 0.4mm, and the allowance for rough machining of non-quenched parts is 0.2mm.

5) Densita vestimenti est generale 0,005-0,008mm, et secundum mensuras praepositae platingae procedere debet.


Processo horas operantium

=preparation time+basic time

Tempus preparationis referit ad tempus consumptum a laboribus ad cognoscendum se cum documentis procedentibus, vacuum colligere, fixturas installare, instrumentis machinae adjustare, fixturas dismantle etc. Methodus computationis: Estimata based on experience.

Tempus basic est tempus ut metallum extingueret.


Quotatio metodo calculationis costis

Processing cost=(material cost+processing cost) * 1.2

The coefficient of 1.2 includes management fees

Equipment cost=(processing material cost+processing cost+purchase cost+assembly and debugging cost+design cost) * 1.2

The coefficient of 1.2 includes management fees

Material cost=weight (density * volume) * unit price (yuan/kg)

Processing fee=process hours * unit price (yuan/hour)

Procuratio Iaponica (yuan)=pretium emere (yen)/exchange rate

Costa procurentis domus fundetur super quotationem distributoris

Design fee=working hours * unit price (yuan/hour)

Informatio quotationis:

1) Lathe: 60 yuan/hour

2) Milling machine: 60 yuan/hour

3) Grinding machine: 60 yuan/hour

4) Fitter: 80 yuan/hour

5) Machining center: 60-120 yuan/hour

6) CNC lathe: 60-120 yuan/hour

7) Spark machine: 80-150 yuan/hour

8) Slow wire cutting: 60-150 yuan/hour; Starting at 80 yuan for small items, 0.06-0.08 yuan/mm2 for large items by area

9) Discharge pulchra: Carbon steel, ferrum tungsten, 1 yuan/mm materiae cum diameter 0,3 aut plus, 2-3 yuan/mm materiae cum diameter 0,3 aut minus; 0.3 et supra, 1.8-2 yuan/mm

10) Management fee: Costa price * 0.2

Price of CNC machine processing fees(pic2)