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Inventory of Electrical Fault Maintenance and Troubleshooting Methods during Machining
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Inventory of Electrical Fault Maintenance and Troubleshooting Methods during Machining

Release time:2024-11-12     Number of views :

Problemas of CNC walking machine:

The analysis process of electrical errors is also the process of troubleshooting. Therefore, some common problems shooting methods for electrical errors have been comprehensively introduced in the above analysis methods. Here are a few common electrical errors listed.

1. Opportione energia est fonte energiae ad operationem normatis systemae maintenantiae et etiam totam machinam ambulantem CNC. Errorem aut malfunctionem eius perditionem datum et extinguere potest. Difficile damno potest causare partial aut etiam completam dissipationem systemae.

A causa sufficiente electricity and high-quality power grids, Western countries have less consideration for the power supply design of their electrical systems. This is somewhat insufficient for China's power supply network with large fluctuations and high-order harmonics. In addition, some human factors inevitably lead to errors caused by power sources. When designing the power supply system for CNC walking machines, we should try our best to:

●9312;Provide an independent distribution box without being used in series with other equipment;

:: 9313; The power supply has a good grounding at the beginning;

●9314;Areas with poor power supply quality in the power grid should be equipped with three-phase AC voltage stabilization devices;

:: 9315; Dispositio electricorum componentium intra cabinetum et positionem AC et DC wires isolatum est ab invicem.

●9316;The three-phase power supply entering the CNC walking machine should adopt a three-phase five wire system, with the neutral line (N) strictly separated from the grounding (PE);

2. Lingua positio systemae ambulantis CNC errata est

[UNK]9312;Position ring alarm. Sit circus apertus in circuitu mensurae positionis; componentes mensurae vulnerati Signalus interfacee constitutus pro controlo positionis non est, etc.

Guid9313; The coordinate axis generates motion without instructions. forsitan propter excessimam fluctum Connecte loop positio aut loop velocitatis ut formatur reaksum positivum; Feedback wiring open circuit; Componente mensurae damno est.

3. Coordinates machinae ambulantis CNC nullum punctum invenire non possunt. Forsan nulla direction a nullo puncto transibit; Encoder damage or open circuit wiring; Grating zero point marking shift; Deceleratio nulla functionetur.

4. Characteristicas dynamic of the CNC walking machine deteriorates, the machining quality of the work piece decreases, and even the walking machine vibrates a certain speed. Est alta possibilia ut hoc causatur a excessive clearance aut grave operibus in systema transmission is mechanicae aut insufficiens lubricationis aut etiam portationis fertilis ducentis; For the electrical control system, it is possible that the speed loop, the position loop and related parameters are no longer in the optimal matching state, and should be optimized after the mechanical fault is basically eliminated.

5. Occasional shutdown failure. Two possible scenarios here: one is that a problem in the relevant software design, as mentioned earlier, causes a shutdown fault under certain combinations of operations and functional operations. Generally, the CNC walking machine will disappear after being disabled and then powered on; Altera situatio causa est a conditionibus videntis, sicut fortis interferences (a grid power or surrounding equipment), alta temperatura, alta humilitate, etc. Haec factor videntiae saepe ab hominibus, exemple, in regione australis, machinas CNC ambulantes in fabricas ordinaris, aut iuxta ianuas apertas, cabinetes electricae longo aperientes ostibus operantur, et multa vasorum in proximo, qui generat pulverem, rasum metallos, aut maculam aquarum. Hoc factores non solum malfunctiones causant, sed etiam serio systemam operationis detrahere potest. Impossibile est attention illos facere improvinem.