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Quomodo componentes hardware micro punched producuntur? EMAR Hardware Details: Production Plan for Micro Punching Hardware Components
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Quomodo componentes hardware micro punched producuntur? EMAR Hardware Details: Production Plan for Micro Punching Hardware Components

Release time:2024-11-14     Number of views :

Quomodo componentes hardware micro punched producuntur? EMAR Hardware elaborates on the production method of micro punched hardware components. I won't go in to detail about how to drill holes in relatively thin micro punched hardware parts. It's relatively simple to achieve a punch hardness higher than the material hardness. Quomodo constituere componentes hardware micro punctus cum profunditate porti quae est plus quam tres mensura porti? Quia lege physicae dicit, quod si profundum foraminis tres vicibus superest apertura, facile est punctum fracere. Multi ingeniosi modo vacuas producere volunt et tunc flumina CNC, quae est posibile sed lenta! And it's not easy to find, maybe the holes will be punched out of the center! Et minor cinerem, magis facilius est cultro disrumpere. Si cum centis milibus componentibus micropunctis hardware per mensem occurrerunt, quasi impossibile est massam producere eas. Estne methodo rapide et efficientem processionis ad producendum componentes hardware micro punched? Responsa est yes! The working principle of the continuous death cold extrusion production method invented by EMAR Hardware is to punch the product blank with a coarse punch in the initial stage, and then shrink it to the specified pore diameter by continuous death cold extrusion. Velocitate artificium micropuncti partibus hardware in hoc modo supervenire potest 160 partes per minutam, et tolerans produktorum intra 0,02mm controlare potest, cum efficabilitate plus quam 50 vicibus quam machinae CNC. The production method of micro punched hardware components is not a simple process, but requires long-term research and development and technical investment. Many production details need to be coordinated in order to produce high-end products, such as annealing, lubrication, punch surface treatment for different materials, etc. Almost every detail is an engineering discipline, and continuous research and development investment is necessary to find the best solution!

Quomodo componentes hardware micro punched producuntur? EMAR Hardware Details: Production Plan for Micro Punching Hardware Components(pic1)Quomodo componentes hardware micro punched producuntur? EMAR Hardware Details: Production Plan for Micro Punching Hardware Components(pic2)