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Geometric angle characteristics of CNC machining tools in the field of machining
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Geometric angle characteristics of CNC machining tools in the field of machining

Release time:2024-11-14     Number of views :

Effectively applying different parts of CNC cutting tools for turning machining is an effective solution to reduce machining costs. Therefore, when choosing suitable CNC cutting tools, in addition to the material of the tool, it is also necessary to understand the geometric angle of the CNC tool. However, the scope of cutting geometry design is quite broad, and now we mainly focus on discussing the application of the most common cutting angles of rake and rake, as well as their impact on cutting.

Front angle of CNC cutting tools

In general, the rake angle has a significant impact on cutting force, chip discharge, and tool durability.

The influence of the rake angle of CNC cutting tools

1) Large front angle and sharp cutting edge;

2) Pro omne 1 gradus in angulo rake crescere potestas a 1%;

3) Extremus angulus fronte diminuit fortitudinem pellium; Si angulus negativus rake nimis magnus est, fortitudo concidit crescet.

Magnus angulus negativus arcae CNC instrumentorum secationis utilitur

1) Proicientes materiae difficile;

2) High cutting edge strength is required to adapt to intermittent cutting and cutting conditions containing black skin surface layers.

Magnus angulus in fronte utilitur

1) Sacere materiae softa;

2) Easy to cut materials;

3) When the rigidity of the processed material and machine tool is poor.

The benefits of using CNC cutting tools for front corner cutting

1) Pro uso angulorum rapinae resistentia quae incurrebatur in cutatione redundabitur, sic meliora effectivitatem cutationis;

2) Temperaturam et vibrationem quae generata sunt in secessione reddere potest et accuracionem succidere meliora facit;

3) Reduce instrumentum ferentem et longam vitam instrumentorum;

4) Elegit rectum instrumentum et angulum secentem, angulum rake utilizat instrumentum vestimentum et reliabilitatem blandiae reddere potest.

exterior malis cum angulo excessivo fronte

1) Due diminutione anguli et effectivitate instrumenti succidentis laboribus cum alto difficultate, si angulus rake nimis magnus est, instrumentum ad portandum et etiam interfectionem instrumentorum pronus est;

2) When the material of the cutting tool is weak, it is difficult to maintain the reliability of the cutting edge.

Rear corner of CNC cutting tools

Angulus retrorsum reducit frictionem inter instrumentum et fabricationem, permittit instrumentum liber secere in fabricationem.

The influence of the back angle of CNC cutting tools

1) Anglus exterior magnus est, et vestimentum exterioris pallium parvus est

2) Angulus retrorsus magnus est, et fortitudo rubri diminuit.

Parvus exterior angulus ad

1) Proicientes materiae difficultatis;

2) Exalta fortitudo sectionis est.

Magnus angulus posterioris ad

1) Cutting soft materials

2) Materiales, quae sunt pronae ad indurarem opus.

The benefits of corner cutting

1) Large back angle cutting can reduce the wear of the back cutting surface, so using a large back angle and a smaller back angle can prolong the tool life without a sharp increase in front angle wear.

2) Usually speaking, when cutting materials with high ductility and softness, it is easier to experience fusion bonding. Stultitia crescet rursum angulum et faciem laboris, crescet resistentiam, et reducet accuracionem sectionis. Utrum si talia materia in maximo angulo retro sequitur, hoc situatio evadere potest.

Limitations on the corner cutting of CNC cutting tools

1) Quando materiales cum humilis transferentibus caloris, sicut titanium alloys et steel stainless, ut magnum retro angulo sequitur, facile facile potest inducere super faciem facile sequitur, et etiam ad interfectionem instrumentorum inducere. Therefore, a large back angle is not suitable for cutting this type of material;

2) Quamquam magnum angulum retrorsum utilizat effusionem posterioris superficiis effusionis reddere potest, declinam exterioris accelerator potest. propterea dimittet profunditudinem concidientem accuracionem Pro hoc, tecnicis iuxta regulam angulum instrumenti secendi ut accuracionem sustinent.

3) Si magnus angulus retrorsum nimis magnus est, resistentia contra cutationem causabit angulus ante contritionem aut fractum propter fortem compressionem fortem.