The processing range involved in Sheet Metal Processing is very wide, such as various parts, boxes, plates, cabinets, bending forming, stainless steel doors, etc. The vast majority of metal products involved in daily life are sheet metal processing, which is widely used in our daily lives. So what are the common problems encountered during sheet metal processing?
Problemi occurrant in processione metalla folia:
1. Raeda: Necessitae materiae crudeli non sunt perfecti conservatae durante stampio metallorum folii aut processamento recto angulo, resultant in ardores in cross-section platearum metallorum. Quando altitudo relativae ardoris excessit 0,2mm secundum intersectionem, ventilator dissipabit molam, causans tumulos et depressiones.
2. Convex concave: Abnormal convex concave on the surface of sheet metal is also a beneficial line of unwinding.
3. Miscentur sordidi (pinos ferros et pulvere) in metallo. Impressio Roller: causa a sordida adherentia ad pulchritudinem purgatoris aut pascebris (diameter calculi fixa). Generale loquente, sordida in charta printa roller auferetur.
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4. Marka glippery: Sheet metal due to rollers.
5. Currens, signa currans occurrit, quando subito ventilator pausat aut acceleratur. Crussa fermenti fermenti fermenti fermenti est probabile inducere turbationem ad angulos: curvatores ducentibus super fluctum fertilis probabile erunt a causa parva spatio inter curvatores ducentibus super fusum, qu? est etiam a causa fermenti fermenti steeli.
6. Pro non balansione pascendum. Scratches: The primary cause of scratches on parts is sharp scars on the mold or metal material dust falling in the mold. Preventive measures are to polish the scars on the mold and eliminate metal material dust.
7. Bottom cracking: The primary factor causing the bottom cracking of a component is poor plasticity of the raw material or excessive compression of the mold edge strip. Mesura preventiva est substituere materiales crudelibus optima plasticitate aut solvere periculum bandatorium.
8. Ventura in muro exterior: Prima causa furturae in muro metallis lateris est insufficiens densitatis materiae crudelis (si relativitate parva est, thiner densitate permittitur) aut fortitudo axial is occurrit in processo congregationis mollis sinistris et dextris, resultat in magnam interitum in una latere et parva interitum in altera latere. Mesura preventiva est statim substitui materiales raw et iterum molam adjustare.
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