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Quid postquam perfecta est pars CNC?
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Quid postquam perfecta est pars CNC?

Release time:2024-11-17     Number of views :

Postquam partibus CNC processuntur, opus processionis seria est ut vitam parterum qualitatem, exercitum et servationem asseguratur. Haec opus processionis in sequentibus aspectis summarizabitur: 1. Cleaning of machine tools and environment, removal of waste materials, and cleaning of machine tools: After CNC parts are processed, the waste materials on the machine tool should be removed first, and the machine tool should be cleaned to maintain the cleanliness of the machine tool and its internal environment. Attention special to checking the oil wiping plate on the machine tool guide rail, and replace it promptly if it is damaged. Cleaning the environment around the machine tool: In addition to the machine tool itself, it is also necessary to clean the environment around the machine tool to maintain the cleanness of the entire work area. 2,Maintenance and upkeep of machines tools: Check the lubricating oil and condensate: After CNC parts are processed, check the condition of the lubricating oil and condensate, add them in a timely manner, and ensure that the lubricating oil and condensate are sufficient. Disactivate potentiam: Disactivate potentiam et potentiam principem in controlo paneli ut certat quia machina in securo stato sit. Storage of cutting tools and fixtures: Machine tools spare parts, cutting tools and fixtures should be properly stored and kept in good condition. quia relicti aut contriti sunt repletur tempore 3 , Verification and Adjustment of Tools and Workpieces: After the entire batch of workpieces is processed, the tool number, tool compensation value, and other information should be checked to ensure that the tool information on the program offset information page, adjustment card, and process card is completely consistent. Elegantibus instrumentis pro repetitione utilitate, ad instrumentum setter corrigentur ut redderet effectum materiae instrumentorum portantium super opera fabricata. Remove the fixture: Remove the fixture and record its installation position and orientation for future use. 4, / Treatione calide et tractione superficie parterum: Dependentes de material et functionis parterum, fertilitate opus est. Processus calefactionis generale tres processos includet: calefactum, insulationem, et frigidum (aliquando tantum duo processi calefactum et frigidum sunt). Parametros, quales calefactum temperaturam, insulationem temporem, et frigidam temporem, optimum partes functionis, perfectum est. Surfacie tracta: Ut elevare faciem, fortitudinem et conductivitatem parterum, facie tracta oportet. Metodos regionis superficie generis sunt anodizatio, pulvere vestimenta, et panibus margaritis. Haec metodes selecta sunt based on specific requirements and environmental conditions of the parts. 5,Inspectio qualitatis et inspectio qualitatis registrationis: inspectio qualitatis in partibus processis conducite ut precision dimensionalis eorum, crudelitate superficie, etc. conformetur ad opus design. Record and archive: Record and archive relevant information during the machining process, such as tool usage, machine status, machining parameters, etc., for subsequent traceability and analysis.

Quid postquam perfecta est pars CNC?(pic1)