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Methods for identifying copper materials
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Methods for identifying copper materials

Release time:2024-11-18     Number of views :

Coper albus, aer, coper ruber (etiam "coper purpura"), et aeris (gray or gray yellow) color distinguerunt.

inter eos aeris albus et aeris facile distinguerunt Coper ruber paululum difficile est distinguere inter coper purus (impurities<1%) et bronzes (alteros componentes allogiosos circa 5%). quando non-oxidizatus est color aeris rubri splendor quam aeris et habet tunicam rubram aut flavum caliginem Post oxidationem coper ruber niger factus est, dum aeris hyacinthus verdus apparet (oxidatio pessima aqua excessima) aut chocolatis coloratus.

Classificatione et ferentia caracteribus coperiorum et coperiorum

(1) Aedro purus: Aedro purus saepe dicitur aedro purpurum. Good conductivity, thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance. Purus coper representitur per litteras+T}} (coper), sicut Tl, T2, T3, etc. Coper purus cum continentia minima oxygeni non excessima 0,1%, coper gratis oxygeni vocatur, representatus a TU (liber coper), sicut TU1, TU2, etc.

(2) Brass: Coper alloys with zinc as main alloying element are called bras. Brass with+H; (Yellow) elementos, quales H80, H70, H68, etc.

(3) Aenea: Iamquam pelliculam aeris et aeris appellatum est aeneam, nunc autem pelliculas aeris non aeneas appellantur aeneas. Usum est aenea aerea, aerea aluminium et aerea sensibile. Ex aere usus est "; Q,' (Green) indicat.

Aeneae et coprinorum proprietatibus ferentibus sunt:

(1) Difficulty to fuse and prone to deformation

(2) Easy to generate thermal cracks

(3) Easy to produce pores

Coper and coper alloy welding mainly adopt methods such as gas welding, inert gas shield welding, submerged arc welding, brazing, etc.

Coper et coper alloys habent bonam conductivitatem thermalem, ita generalmente antequam benedicant et subvertantur alta energia. Arcta hydrogena tungsten electroda connexio positiva DC accipit. During gas welding, neutral flame or weak carbonization flame is used for purpura coper, while weak oxidation flame is used for bras to prevent zinc evaporation.