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Introduction to precautions for non-standard cabinets, come and bookmark it!
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Introduction to precautions for non-standard cabinets, come and bookmark it!

Release time:2024-11-20     Number of views :

Non standard cabinets generalis in locis cum necessitatibus specialibus utilibus sunt, et granditudo eorum dessimila est ab illo de chassis standardissimo. In customizatione eorum, komponent relative gravis est travis fixa, quod prima utilitur pro install are diversis equipment is. Multas habent granditudines disponibiles, et usus est ad plagam 19. Satellita standard, non 19“ And multiples refer to non-standard fixed trays, which are also what we call non-standard cabinets.

Introduction to precautions for non-standard cabinets, come and bookmark it!(pic1)

The advantages of a customized non-standard cabinet are that its material is welded together, the frame degree is relatively high, the body size is relatively large, and it can store a large number of equipment. It has good ventilation, which can help the equipment inside the power cabinet dissipate heat, improve the heat dissipation performance of the power cabinet, and can be used for power distribution. It is a customized cabinet that does not meet a standard production, so it can better meet the needs of users. It is widely used in industries such as instruments, such as instruments, tuus, elect, electronics, communication, automation, sensors, industrial control, and manage, in manus, in anianimis, in animis, cannabilantur.et machinas.

Quid praecepta sunt non standard cabinetis? Infra omnibus introductum est.

1. Shielding. A metal shielding mesh should be laid down in all six sides of the communication room, and a shielding mesh should be connected to the circular grounding bus in the room at multiple points. The 380V power supply of the overhead power line should be led down from the distribution transformer and replaced with a shielded cable before being led in intra. Outdoor communication cables should use shielded cables, a shielded cable, a shielding cable, a shielded cable.et utraque summa lateris clypeorum fundetur. For cables with both armor tape and shielding layer should be the armor tape and shielding layer based simultaneously in the interior, while only the shielding layer should be grounded at the other end. Ante intrare cubiculum, cabellum horizontale sepelietur minimo decem metris, et profunditudinem sepulchrae maior quam 0,6 metros Tabulae non shieldae horizontale sepelientur in pipes ferreos galvanizatis plus quam decem metros, et utraque terminus piperum ferrorum fundantur. Si aditur variatorium inter lineam virtutis et pipem ferreom in introitu ad exteriores actiones, melior erit effectus magnitudinis defensionis.

2. Its lightning protection and grounding requirements are essential basic guarantees for modern communication networks. Lightning protection ground s should be systematic and complete, taking in to account both the lightning protection measures for the building and ground network, as well as the lightning protection measures for the grounding of the ground wire of the outdoor / outdoor / outdoor power supply integrated communication cabinet equipment, and the lightning protection of external cabinet. Only in this way can we be confident that good grounding of the communication building's lightning protection outdoor / outdoor power supply cabinet is a crucial part of lightning protection. The smaller the grounding resistance value, the lower the overvoltage value. Therefore, under the premise of reasonable economic development, efforts should be made to reduce the reduction of the effusion in reductione ad reduce opus facientem resistentiam quam possit.

3. All types of grounding wires should follow the principles of short, straight, and sufficiently large cross-sectional area, and should be able to meet the requirements of a large fault currents (generally 35-95mm2 copper wire) in a multi-sectional area of the grounding collection line is generally not less than 120mm2 copper wire or galvanized flat steel with the same resistance. It is required that all terminals ensure good contact, and the copper and iron are welded. The length of the steel bar welding interface should be greater than 6 times the diameter, and both sides should be welded through and treated with anti-corrosion.Terminales aereos et terminalis galvanizatur.