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Quomodo laser succidere ut superficies splendentes seceret?
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Quomodo laser succidere ut superficies splendentes seceret?

Release time:2024-11-24     Number of views :

Quomodo laser succidere ut superficies splendentes seceret? Shenyang laser cutting manufacturer explicat tibi:

In laser cutting technology, the cross-section of carbon steel can be cut very smoothly, achieving a "mirror" effect, commonly known as "smooth cutting". Superficie splendentia sublime est ad altum carbonium intermediam, et pelliculae acidis quae nimis tenentes aut nimis debiles sunt non poterunt faciem splendentiam facere.

1. Controla velocitatem secessionis. Si velocitatem secessionis nimis velocitatem est, materia non conburetur perfecta, et opera non transibit. Si velocitatem nimis lentem fuerit, excessive combustionem faciet, et opera dissolvet et deformabitur. In praecepto opus qualitatis assecurationis velocitas crescere quam possit.

2. Adjust the nozzle height. Altitudo nozzle ad qualitatem trabeo, puritatem oxygeni et directum aeropulae inflabit. Minus pulchritudo, melior qualitate trabeo, magis puritate oxygeni, et magis directo fluxus aereas. Pro hoc, splendor superficie crescere debet magis minima.

3. Adjust the cutting pressure. In calore acidico carbonis secitus, commotio materiae multam calorem liberat, ita pressure oxygeni non excelsus esse. In general, the lower the pressure within the cutting range, the brighter the cutting section. However, to ensure cutting stability, a certain proportion is usually added to the cutting pressure.

4. Adjust the cutting power. quoniam vasa diversarum densitatis maior est densitatis maior est virtus necessaria

Quomodo laser succidere ut superficies splendentes seceret?(pic1)

5. Adjuste the cutting focus. Trabvum emissus de pulvere laser is fibree est de quaeculo diameter, et minores nozzles usus est ad succidendum super superficies splendentes. Therefore, it is necessary to find the large focal point value that the nozzle size can resist and then make adjustments.

6. Elegite magnitudinem nozzle. Minus dimidium nozzlem, splendor sectionem cutam, melior effectum.

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