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Quid est differentia inter machinas CNC machinas et instrumenta machinae normala?
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Quid est differentia inter machinas CNC machinas et instrumenta machinae normala?

Release time:2024-11-27     Number of views :

1. Different functions

Instrumentum machinae CNC instrumentum automaticum machinae equipatum est system a controllabilis. In instrumentis machinae generalis, motores torquem per cineres et arma transmit cum diversis rationibus transmissionis ut processatur fabricationes.

2. Non applicabile

Numerical control machining machine tools have effectively solved complex, precise, small batch, and multi variety part processing problems. They are a flexible and efficient automated machine tool, representing the development direction of modern machine tool control technology. They are typical electromechanical integration products. Ordinary machine tools only have some shafts, disks, and only need to process workpieces with sleeves and other rotating surfaces, with relatively low accuracy, making them suitable for small part processing.

3. Different operational efficientias

Quando mensura cum lathe regula, mensura manu post parkamentum necessita est, resultat in errores magnas mensurae et minima efficientia. The CNC lathe adopts fully enclosed or semi-enclosed protective devices and automatic chip removal devices. Velocitate spindali alta est, et clampio opus secur et fidelis est. Hidraulica clampionis utilitur, et adjustatio fortis clampionis conveniens et fidelis est, sed etiam reducit labor intensitatem operator is. Automatice substituetur.