In the initial stage, machine tool enterprises focus on core resources and comparative advantages to carry out international business, continuously expand and extend the industrial chain, improve comprehensive competitiveness, and develop from specialized operation to comprehensive operation, transforming from a single product service provider to a comprehensive product service provider.
What are the five major misconceptions in the international development of the machine tool industry
Misconception 1: Internationalisatio cum marketamento coepit. Enterprises not only need to start from product marketing and service output, but also need to absorb advanced innovative technologies and international management experience from abroad.
Misconceptio 2: Internationalisatio gravior est quam domus. Machine tool companies cannot ignore the domestic market in order to prosper the international market. Maximum obstaculum ad operationes internacionalis est quia companiae machinae Sinice nondum vero vicerunt mercedem local.
Misconception 3: Mergers and acquisitions are the best path to internationalization. Appropriate international mergers and acquisitions, if operated properly, may be a feasible way to leverage complementary advantages, complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, and achieve a win-win situation. However, there are also huge risks hidden in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, especially the integration risk after the merger.
Misconception 4: Pursuing comprehensive internationalization of business operations. In the initial stage, machine tool enterprises focus on core resources and comparative advantages to carry out international business, continuously expand and extend the industrial chain, improve comprehensive competitiveness, and develop from specialized operation to comprehensive operation, transforming from a single product service provider to a comprehensive product service provider.
Misconception 5: Sinicization of international brands or internationalization of Chinese brands. Tres situationes sunt, quas oportet attention: primum, currentes substituere signum, et festinantes ad adhesiones et acquisitiones Sinensem adherere. Secundo, non est desiderium rationalis transicionis temporis in hasto ad innovacionem signorum maris et convertendum eos in signos Sinice; ??üncü, ?inliler ünlü marka ya da ticaret markalar?n?n küresel marka oldu?una inan?l?r.