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Common problems and solutions of CNC machining centers
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Common problems and solutions of CNC machining centers

Release time:2024-12-03     Number of views :

The common problems and solutions of CNC Machining centers are as follows:

1. Subito perditio parametrorum (systema 0MD)

Hello FANUC expert: Our company has a machining center that displays bar shaped garbled characters for 930AL and CRT during operation. After shutting and restarting, all parameters were lost. Then, when the parameters were entered in the startup state, the machine can run normally. I wonder what is the reason for this? Gratias pro adiutore et adiutore tuo!

Respondere: Subito perditio parametrorum ligatur ad tabulam depositoris, battery aut interferencem exterioris. 930 etiam indicat, quod interferences exterioris esse potest causare CPU malfunctionem et alarm a systemae triggere. Non potest exire matriculum aut alios errores PCB esse.

2. 926 alarm (18i) Now another machining center has experienced a 926 alarm, and there is no display on the LCD of the control system except for the alarm information (a t that time, the temperature inside the electrical control cabinet was high). I don't know why, I look forward to an answer. gratias tibi!

Respondere: The cause and handling of the 926 alarm (FSSB alarm) is that the FSSB (servo serial bus) connecting the CNC and servo amplifier has malfunctioned. Si problem a est cum FSSB, cablo optico, et servo amplifiere connecto ad cartam controlli axis, hoc alarma occurrit. Confirma errorem positionem utilizantem LED super amplifierem servorum. Potesne septem segmenti LED in servo amplifieri ut positionem iniquitatis confirmare? Si energia servorum amplifieris defecerit, FSSB alarm a occurrit. Due voltage drop of the control supply caused by the amplifier fault, or the+5V grounding of the encoder cable, or other reasons, a power failure may occur, resulting in a FSSB alarm. Si menses supra errorem in carta supervisoris axis diagnoscuntur, substitue cartam supervisoris axis in principio tabula CPU.

3. Alarm (0imate-B) Recently, one of our company's lathes has been experiencing frequent alarms of 9209, 11930, with 930 being the most common. Please provide technical support, I would greatly appreciate it.

Respondere: 911SRAMPARITY: (BYTE1) Parity error occurrit in aliquid registra RAM. Clear all RAM, or replace SRAM module or motherboard. Then reset the parameters and data. 920SERVOALARM Monitor alarm aut RAM parity error in modulo servo. Altera servo control module 930CPUINTERRUPTCPU in matribus ad interruptionem alarmarum abnormalem, quaeso. Carta matris aut CPU falsa est. Componente errores in exchange partes confirmare potest, et attention etiam ad machinas grounding et externum interferencem debet

4. Parametrus redactus non potest (BJ-FANUCOi MB) Salve, compania nostra maquinam novum in Taiwan proditum est. Post installationem maquinam novum et probationem eam invenimus, quia B-axis nulla revertere non potest. Quando B-axis convertitur ad nullam conversationem, coepit lentem, sed breve post conversationem, erit signum Nr. 90, quod nulla revertere non potest. Nescio quid est rationem, quaeso adiuta solvere illum. gratias tibi valde!

Respondere: Alarm Explanation No. 90: When the condition of returning to the reference point at a speed equivalent to a positional deviation (DGN. 300) greater than 128 pulses in the direction of returning to the reference point is not met, and the CNC has received at least one 1-turn signal, this alarm occurs when returning to the reference point. Inspectio: 1. Ad velocitatem nullam revertere; 2. One turn signal.

5. After a period of inactivity, the machining center (FANUC-18iM) machine turned on and an alarm appeared: 701: OVERHEAT: FANROTOR. After investigation, it was found that the alarm was due to a malfunction in the CNC system cooling fan. However, after inspection, it was found that the fan was running normally and the alarm could not be eliminated. Finally, only by changing parameter # 0 of 8901 from "0" to "1" can the alarm be blocked. Spero ut possit auxilium solvere, gratias tibi!

Responde: Ventor fractus est, sed adhuc rotaturus est, ut tantum novum pro replacio emeremus.

6. Alarm machinae (FANUC-18) post supercargam spindle executa est, cum numero 751 alarma. spindle servo modulo alarma numero AL-73. Quomodo reparare potest?

Respondere: Signalum motorum sensorem disconnectum est. (1) Situatio in qua alarm a occurrit quando excitatio motorica extinguetur (a) propter impositiones parametros incorrectas. Confirma parametros sensorum. (b) Excipite cabulam, quaeso, si fractum est. (c) Sensorum adjustationem errorem, adjuste signum sensorum, quaeso. Quando observatio signala non potest adjustare aut signal is, replace cable connector et sensor, quaeso. (d) Malfunction SPM, replace SPM or SPM control printed circuit board. (2) When the cable is triggered (such as during spindle operation), an alarm may occurre a cause of wire breakage. Please replace the cable. Cum oleum sequitur, partem connectorum inruit, purificate illum. (3) In case of an alarm during motor rotation, (a) confirmate the cable shielding fault between the sensor and SPM. (b) Si capilla a sensore ad SPM ligata est cum linea virtutis motor is servorum, separa eas, quaeso.

7. 351 alarm (Oi-M) - One machining center, OI-M system, NC control X, Y, Z, B4 axis, B axis is the rotation axis. Fault phenomenon: During processing, a 351 alarm occurred, all at the N5H6Z344.2 program segment, but there was no B-axis work instruction in this segment. Post malfunctionem omnes moduli 4 axis ostendent "-". Post iterum efficientem, normale opus est, sed post tempus operationis, hoc culpa iterum facta est. Nunc medias 2-3 occurrentium per classem sunt. Solution: Diagnosis screen 0203 # 5 # 6 shows 1, and the error range is 1: poor connection of signal cable; 2. Hardware pauper encoderis, matribus et modulis servorum. Because restart can temporarily eliminate the fault, it can eliminate 1. Secto 2, connecti sumus plugins encoderis, matribus, et modulis servorum, sed non erat effectus. Error adhuc existit. Potesne, quaeso, analysere quid proximo facere debemus?

Respondere: Mainly check from one point, which is related to the signal cable. Check the signal cable of the alarm axis to see when it is moved (often in other axis moving types, where the cable of this axis is dragged). Si cable longo et retro pulsat, habebit pauperem contactum et alarmas irregulari occurrentur. At this point, we can only replace the cable with a new one.

8. What are the reasons for the simultaneous alarm processing of 408 # and 409 # on the FANUC0MD machine tool? Could you please advise?

Respondere: Usually unlikely for both 408409 alarms to occur simultaneously. 408 defectus est communication is, quod significat non est communicatio inter amplifierem spindle et systemam (storage board). Usually, if the spindle amplifier has no power or the interface is damaged, the 409 alarm will sound, indicating that the spindle amplifier has an alarm number. @ info: whatsthis

9. Postquam systema ventilatorum (0i mate TB) alarma cum numero "6119113" executa est, inventum est, quod ventilator ventilatorum refrigerat moduli potentiae non rotatus est. Post replacionem illum cum alio ventilatore normale executo, functus est normale. Confirmed that the fan is broken. After purchasing the same type of fan and replacing it, the above alarm still appears (the fan is running normally). After inspection, it was found that although this fan is produced by the same manufacturer, the current is 0.03A higher than the original 0.1A. After swapping it with the fan on the spindle drive module, the "6119113" alarm no longer appears, but the "FAN" flashes on the CRT, which does not affect processing. Estne verum quod detectio fanum non confidit in sensationibus componentibus, sicut thermistori, sed solum in detectione magnitudinis nunc? Respondere: Melius est emere ventilatorem similis model is. Si "FAN" fluctus est in CRT, est quia problem a ventilatorum exterior est in finem frigidi moduli spindle

11. What does the alarm of 506507 in the FS21T system indicate? Our company's FS21T system's CNC lathe alarms when it starts up. What does the alarm of 506507 in the FS21T system indicate and how can it be resolved?

Respondere: 506OVERTRAVEL:+nExceeded through axis+sidehardware OT. 507OVERTRAVEL: - nExceeded through axis sidehardware OT. Does hardware overtravel occur simultaneously?

12. Dispositio positio (FANUC-0M) malfunctione, monstratio positio varia a tres decimalis locis usque quattuor decimalis locis?

Respondere: Parametro modification: Change No.0001 # 0SCW1 to 0.