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Quomodo vulnerare vulnerabilitatem machinae CNC?
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Quomodo vulnerare vulnerabilitatem machinae CNC?

Release time:2024-12-04     Number of views :

1. Choosing appropriate cutting parameters: The selection of CNC Machining cutting speed, cutting depth, feed rate and other parameters will directly affect the smoothness of the machined surface. Generally speaking, increasing cutting speed, reducing cutting depth, and feed rate are beneficial for improving surface smoothness. 2. Selection of cutting tools: The material and edge radius of the cutting tools can also affect the smooth of the machined surface. Using high-quality cutting tools, such as high-speed steel cutting tools, can effectively improve the smooth of the machined surface. So?urma kullan?m?: yüksek kaliteli so?urma kullan?m? ?al??ma par?as?yla arac? aras?ndaki friksiyonu etkile?imli bir ?ekilde dü?ürebilir, yüzeydeki a??rl???n? dü?ürebilir, ve yüzeydeki düzeltmeyi daha iyi yapabilir. 4. Increasing the number of processing passes: increasing the number of processing passes, i.e. processing the same surface multiple times, the surface smoothness can be gradually improved. 5. Polishing treatment: After CNC machining, polishing equipment can be used to polish the surface, further improved the surface smoothness.

Quomodo vulnerare vulnerabilitatem machinae CNC?(pic1)