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Explanation of parts that can be machined by five axis CNC machining
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Explanation of parts that can be machined by five axis CNC machining

Release time:2024-12-04     Number of views :

1. High demand parts

quinque axis CNC Machining machining CNC tools are far superior in terms of production and tool accuracy, compensation accuracy, and machine rigidity compared to general machines tools. Therefore, parts with high precision requirements need to be machined on five axis CNC machine tools. Hoc est sublime verum pro partes cum altis necessitatibus ad simplicitatem, rotanditatem et cylindricitatem bustrae, quia motio conversionis quinque machinatorium centri interpolation is alta precision et servo exercitus est, quod bonum machinatorium accuractionem possit attingere et accuracionem partium requiribus.

quinque axis CNC instrumenta machinae non solum bona rigiditate et precision fabricationis habent, sed etiam excellenta stabilitate habent in velocitate sectionis, quod utilissima est ad reducendum superficiem gravitatis operum. Usually, machine tools cannot maintain stable speed, resulting in uneven roughness within the end face. Using a five axis CNC machine tool, the turning speed can be stabilized at the optimal linear speed, resulting in parts with low roughness and consistency.

There are also some ultra precision and ultra-low surface roughness parts, such as multi-faced reflectors for laser printers, reversing drums for copiers, lenses and molds for optical equipment such as cameras, which can only be processed on high-precision five axis CNC machines with precision reaching the micrometer level.

2. Parts with messy appearance

Partibus corporis invertis ex curvas et planes disordinatis, cum apparentia disordinata, non potest per instrumenta machinae conventional processi. Foedus est quinque machinatorium centrum axis utilizar, quia machinae CNC functiones interpolation is linearis et circularum habent, et interpolationes curvae non-circularum. Concerne cursum summario, compositus est ex lineis rectis et arcis, qu? directo interpolabitur lineis rectis et arcis machinationis. For parts composed of non-circular curves, the non-circular curve interpolation function can be used for machining. Si curva partee non est intra functionem interpolation is instrumenti machinae, potest etiam cum line a recta aut arca prima adplicare, et tunc functionem interpolationis lineae rectae aut arcae utilizatur ad faciendum necessitatis in drawinge.

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Exemplo, quidam partes corporis invertis machina transversa habent, sicut keyways aut radial holas, aut fines facies inter systemas dissipatas caulas et dissipatas disces aut dissipatas partes. Si instrumenta machinae generala utilizata sunt ad faciendum hoc typum partium non solum multa procedura erunt sed et processi relativi dispersi erunt, quod est valde displicitum pro processione. And choosing a five axis machining center for processing is because it has an active tool changing system, which can complete multiple machining processes of general machining tools with only one clamping. This can reduce the number of clamping times, meet the criteria for process assembly, ensure the stability of processing quality, improve processing efficiency, and reduce processing costs.

4. Parts with special threads

In terms of thread processing capabilities, general machines can process equidistant straight and tapered threads, but they are unable to handle non-uniform threads, end face threads, etc. Moreover, a typical machine tool can only process a fixed number of pitch types.

By using a five axis linkage machining center CNC machine, not only can it process straight, conical, and end face threads of any pitch, but it can also process variable pitch threads such as increasing and decreasing pitch, as well as threads with smooth transitions between equal pitch and variable pitch. Moreover, when machining threads on a five axis machining lathe, the spindle rotation doesn't need to be alternated like a typical machine tool, and coupled with a hard alloy thread cutting tool, it can operate at a higher speed, thus having a much higher machining efficiency than a typical machine tool, and the quality of the processed threads is also better than the latter.