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What are the structural principles when designing precision stamping molds
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What are the structural principles when designing precision stamping molds

Release time:2024-12-05     Number of views :

In stamping production process, mold s are an important technology that plays a very important role. To improve their usage level and further bring convenience to the people's production and life, it is necessary to increase efforts to plan and optimize their production processes and structures. This is a primary development trend in the field of stamping mold production, and it is also an issue that relevant personnel needs to pay attention to.

Multae sunt speciosa structurarum pro stampionibus frigidis moribus, et necesse est confirm are et elegere rationalem structuram mortis mortis based on the processability and production requirements of the stamped parts during planning. The selection criteria are as follows:

1. Determine whether to use a simple die structure or a complex die structure based on the quantity of stamped parts produced. Generally speaking, simple stamping die structures have a short life span and low cost, while complex stamping die structures have a long life span and high cost. igitur, si numerus partium pulsavorum non est magnus, simplicem mortis structuram utilissimam est. Si multi sunt, structura mortis conventional cum longissimo vitae utilissima est.

2. Confirma precisium stampionis morientis, basis dimensionalis requiribus stampionis. Si accuractia dimensional a et qualitate intersectionis qualitatis parterum pulsavorum alta sunt, precision mortis structura selecta debet. Pro partes pulsavis cum opus accuracionis generalis, structura mortis generala utilizata potest. Elegite typum stampionis morientiae based on existing equipment. Exemplo, cum duobus actionibus partibus in exemplo dessenectis functionis, duplicis action is mortis structura est multo melior quam unius actionis mortis structura.

4. Select the type of unloading equipment in the mortuary structure based on the thickness of the stamped sheet metal. Exemplo, quando puncti artificibus cum plateis debiles, si necessaria superficie flatitudinis et extremis accuracionis non sunt altae, fermenta discarga fixa utilizata potest. Quando altum requisum est flatitudinis superficie vacuum aut punctum parterum, magis utilizat elastic a discargentia.

5. Elegite generem fuscinulae basem super conditiones technicas et societam feasibilitatem modum fuscinulae. For example, when the requirements for mold making technology are low, a relatively simple die structure should be planned as much as possible. However, when the variety of mold making equipment is complete and the processing accuracy is high, in order to increase the service life of the mold and achieve large-scale production, a more complex precision die structure should be selected.

Planatores multiplices factores considerare debent quando elegit metodo structurae mortis stampionis. Because both simple stamping dies and conventional stamping dies have their own advantages and limitations, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis and comparison to make the selected stamping die structure as reasonable and reliable as possible.

This article is from EMAR Mold Co., Ltd. For more EMAR related information, please click on www.sjt-ic.com,

What are the structural principles when designing precision stamping molds(pic1)