Problema common in process of sheet metal shell processing include:
1. Material selection issue: Common materials for sheet metal shells include iron, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. Choosing the appropriate material is crucial for the quality and service life of the shell. Si materia elegita non est adequata, potest causare ad problemas, sicut non sufficientem fortitudinem shell et facilem rustingem.
2. Design issues: The design of the casing needs to consider factors such as usage environment and external force loading. If the design is not reasonable, it may result in the casing not meeting the usage requirements or having a short life span.
3. Processing precision issue: Processing metalla lapides requires high processing accuracy. If there are significant errors during the processing, it may lead to poor assembly of the shell or non compliance with design requirements.
4. Differentiae tractionis superficie: Meditura superficie celae includet spraying, electroplating, etc. Si non bene tractatum, potest causare oxidationem, pingam pingam et alios phenomena super superficiem celae.
5. Venditas: Venditas et post venditas servitutis shell sunt etiam importantia. If there is poor communication or inadequate after-sales service during the sales process, it may lead to customers having doubts about the quality and user experience of the casing.
![钣金外壳加工过程有哪些常见的问题? Quid sunt problemae communes in processo calicis metallorum metallorum?(pic1)](/2024/dc329d27cd7018d05c1a887a8dc4f37db569e205.jpg)
6. Processing technology issues: There are various Sheet Metal Processing techniques, including cutting, stamping, bending, welding, etc. Si adequatus processus non est elegit in manufacturo, potest ad inaccuratam formam shell, insufficientem fortitudinem structural et alios problemas inducere.
7. Benedictione deformation is problema: Cella saepe fertur in processione. Si angulo bending aut positio non est accusa, potest formare vel etiam dissipare shell.
8. Welding issues: The commonly used welding methods in shell processing include laser welding, arc welding, etc. If temperature control and welding quality inspection are not paid attention to during the welding process, it may lead to cracks or insufficient welding strength in the weld seam.
9. Equipment issue: Processing metalla folia necessita est utilizationem series equipationum, quasi machinas commutationis, machinas punching, machinas bending, etc. Si equipentum improper aut pauperum qualitatem utilizatur, potest problemas in processione inducere.
10. Proba qualitatis inspectionis: Cellulum post processionem inspectionem qualitatis est, inclusive dimensiones, apparentia, fortitudo et alios aspectos. Si inspectio qualitatis non est stricta aut standards de inspectione qualitatis non sunt scientiae, qualitatem angularum instabile potest inducere.