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Quomodo videre scraps producentes a stampionis fabricatis
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Quomodo videre scraps producentes a stampionis fabricatis

Release time:2024-12-06     Number of views :

All stamping parts processing factories produce metal waste such as scraps during the production process. The processing technology of Metal Stamping parts generally includes four types: cutting, cutting, punching, and forming. Each process is prone to producing a lot of stamping scraps, which are different from other mechanical processing technologies. They include the following characteristics:

1. Quantitate scraps magna est: fabrici pulseris machinarum amplius varia partium pulseris producunt, et omnis produktus generel plures proceduras continet, ita quanta scraps produit in fabricis suis magna est. Parva pulsera fabrica duodecim tonnis pulseris per diem producere potest.

2. The occurrence of loose scraps: The production form of metal stamping parts processing plants is multi type and large-scale production. There are multiple punching machines in their stamping workshops, and each punching machine has a different processing process. Basically, no process produces loose scraps, which leads to the occurrence of loose scraps. Quomodo videre scraps producentes a stampionis fabricatis(pic1) 3. sunt diversa forma angularum materialum: The processing technology of metal stamping parts mainly consists of cutting, cutting, punching, forming, etc. Most of these processes will produce corner materials, and the shape of corner materials for different process products is also different. Forma et scala scrapium ex diversis produktis et processis similiter sunt.

4. Rapidum update scraps: sunt diversi produkti processi in fabrico stampionis cotidie. Quando unum productum prodest, unum sortem scraps occurrit, sed post replacionem molae, scraps produkti alteram situationem facti sunt. Conditio residuorum materiarum in principio stampionis fabrikarum varia est.

5. Compositio scraps chaotica est: Materiales quomodo utili in plantas metallicis pro processione sunt prima steel carbon, steel stainless, aluminum, coper et ceteris materiales metallici, et compositio omnium scraps producentium etiam chaotica est. In addition, the thickness and mechanical function are also different in the same composition; And after punching, the function of the material will be changed due to the effect of force, and different pressures and processes will also have different changes to the material.

This article is from EMAR Mold Co., Ltd. For more EMAR related information, please click: www.sjt-ic.com,