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Sharing of ways to improve work piece quality during five axis CNC machining
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Sharing of ways to improve work piece quality during five axis CNC machining

Release time:2024-12-09     Number of views :

1. Cum quinque asses CNC machinationibus clampsit, adtende utrum titulus et modelus functionis CNC machinationis et folia programmae similis sunt, utrum scala datum correspondit, utrum altitudo clampionis satis alta est, et caliper utilis ut numeratur.

2. Tabulae programmae quinque axis CNC machinae ad orientem referentiae anguli indicatum in molo corripiantur, et tunc verificare si similitudinem esset in drawinge 3D. Especialment pro pecoribus operantibus, qui iam driculati sunt et transportati, importa est verificare si tabulae 3D ad portandum aquae fabricationis operantis est. Si quidam confusionem est, oportet forte reportare ad programmatorem aut invenire principem pliers ut conformetur in drawinge 2D et verificare si anguli 2D et 3D referentiae conformentur.

3. Operator velocitatis processionis instrumentorum machinarum illum stricto controlare debet, et velocitas F-velocitatis et S-spindle inter se rationale adjusta debet. Quando velocitas F-velocitatis celeriter, relative S-spindle acceleraturus est, et velocitas fertilitiae in diversis regionibus adjusta debet. Post processionem, proba qualitatem ut certat non esse problema antequam maquinam removatur, et certat bonam processionem experientiam.

4. Ante quinque asses machinae CNC utilizat mensam calibration is ut probaret si instrumentum intra intervallo servitutis pertinent. Caput instrumenti et nozzle locationis munda fiant arma aeris aut munda veste antequam instrumentum installatur. Si multo sordidus est, adversum accuractem et qualitatem opus habebit.

5. Usum rationale quinque asses machinatorium CNC ad faciendum steelae et coperii stricto differentiationem necessitat est in utilitate cultrorum splendorum, et consentio cultoris splendoris rationale esse, quod meliora faciet splendorem fabris et vitam servitutis instrumenti.

6. Before processing, it is necessary to understand the content of the CNC Machining program sheet. The program sheet must have 2D or 3D drawings and indicate the hexagonal data of "X length, Y width, Z height". For those with flat surfaces, the "Z" value should be indicated to facilitate the operator to check whether the data is correct after processing. For those with public service, the public service data should be indicated.

7. The program sheet for five axis CNC machining files should be standardized, including the mold number, title, program name, machining content, tool size, feed rate, especially the safe length of the tool clamping, the reserved margin for each program, and the smooth knife. It should be clearly indicated on the program sheet. The area where the R surface and the plane needs to be aligned should be indicated on the program sheet. The operator should increase the machining by 0.02-0.050.051 first, stop the gong after a few cuts to see if it is aligned, touch it with their hand to check if it is aligned Alimentatur, et si non alligatur, subter gong.