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Complete Knowledge on Precision of Machining Parts
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Complete Knowledge on Precision of Machining Parts

Release time:2024-12-09     Number of views :

Conseptum precision machinae

Processing accuracy is mainly used for the degree of product production, and both processing accuracy and processing error are terms used to evaluate the geometric parameters of the processed surface. Precisio machinae per gradum tolerantiae mensura est, minor gradus, magis precisio; Error processionis numericalis expressus est, et maximus valor, maximus error. Exalta machina precisa significat mali errores machinae, et vice versa.

There are a total of 20 tolerance levels from IT01, IT0, IT1, IT2, IT3 to IT18. Among them, IT01 represents the highest machining accuracy of the part, IT18 represents the lowest machining accuracy of the part, and generally IT7 and IT8 are of medium machining accuracy.

Qualitate machinae qualitatem machinae qualitatem parterum et qualitatem congregationis machinae dependit. Qualitatem machinae parterum duas major partes includet: accuracionem machinae et qualitatem superficie.

Mechanical machining accuracy refers to the degree to which the actual geometric parameters (size, shape, and position) of a machined part match the ideal geometric parameters. Differentia inter eos errore machinae vocatur. Magnitudo errorum machinae nivellum accuracii machinae reflexit. Quanto maior error, inferior accuracio machinae, minor error, maior accuracio machinae.

Metodo adiurationis

(1) Adjust the process system

(2) Reduce machine tool errors

(3) Reduce errores transmissionis in catena transmissionis

(4) Reduce tool wear

(5) Reduce the stress and deformation of the process system

(6) Reduce thermal deformation in the process system

(7) Reduce residual stress

Reasons for Impact

(1) Errorem principii procedentem

Processing principle error refers to the error generated by using approximate blade profiles or approximate transmission relationships for processing. Processi principium errores saepe occurrant in machinitate lignorum, instrumentorum et superficium complexorum.

In processione, proxima processura generale utilitur ad improvinem productivitatem et economiam in premise quod errore theoretica potest satisficere requiribus accuractiae processi.

(2) Error adjustationis

Error adjustationis instrumenti machinae referit ad errorem causam ab adjustatione incorrecta.

5. Measurement method

The machining accuracy adopts different measurement methods according to different machining accuracy contents and accuracy requirements. Generalis loquentes, plures modi sunt:

(1) Secundo si parametro mensus recto mensus est aut non, in mensura directa et mensura indirecta divisurus est.

measurement directly: directly measuring the measured parameter to obtain the measured size. Exemplo, mensura caliperio aut comparator.

Indirect measurement: Measuring geometric parameters related to the measured size and obtaining the measured size through calculation.

Obviously, direct measurement is more intuitive, while indirect measurement is more cumbersome. Generally, when the measured size or direct measurement cannot meet the accuracy requirements, indirect measurement must be used.

(2) Secundo si valor legindi instrumenti mensurae directo valorem mensurae representat, in mensuram absolutam et mensuram relativam dividetur.

measurement absolute: Valor legis directo representat granditudinem dimensionis mensurae, mensus cum calipero vernier.

measurement relative: The reading value only represents the deviation of the measured size relative to the standard quantity. Si mensus est diametrum shaft cum comparator, oportet primum ponare positionem nullae instrumenti in bloco mensurae, et tunc mensura. Valor mensurae est differentia inter diametrum shaft lateralis et granditudinem blocis mensurae, quod vocatur mensura relativa. Generally speaking, the relative measurement accuracy is higher, but the measurement is more complicated.

(3) Secundo si superficie mensurae est in kontaktu cum caput mensurae mensurae instrumenti, in mensuram contactorum et non-contactorum mensuram dividere potest.

Contact measurement: A measuring force exists when the measuring head is in contact with the surface being contacted and has a mechanical effect. Si partibus per micrometrum mensus est.

Non-contact measurement: The measuring head does not come in contact with the surface of the measured part, and non-contact measurement can avoid the influence of measurement force on the measurement results. Ut modo projectionis, modo interferentiae fluctus luminis ad mensuram, etc.

(4) Secundo numerum parametrorum mensum semel, in mensuram singulam et mensuram comprehensivam dividere potest.

measurement single: measure each parameter of the tested part separately.

Comprehensive measurement: Measuring the comprehensive indicators that reflect the relevant parameters of the parts. Quando metiens threads cum microscopio instrumento, diameter actual pitch, error profila dimidiae anguli, error cumulative pitch threadis mensurabitur separatem.

Comprehensive measurement generally has high efficiency and is more reliable in ensuring the interchangeability of parts, and is commonly used for inspecting finished parts. measurement single can determine the error of each parameter separately, and is generally used for process analysis, process inspection, and measurement of specified parameters.

(5) Secundo rolum mensurae in processo machinationis, in mensuram activam et mensuram passivom dividere potest.

Active measurement: The workpiece is measured during the machining process, and the results are directly used to control the machining process of the part, thereby timely preventing the generation of waste products.

measurement passive: measurement taken after the machination of the workpiece. Hoc typus mensurae solum potest determinare utrum partes processae qualificatae sunt, et est limitata ad discopertum et removum produktorum desertorum.

(6) Secundo state of the test part during the measurement process, it can be divided into static measurement and dynamic measurement.

Static measurement: measure relative silence. Meare diametrum micrometro.

Dynamicus measurement: During measurement, the surface being measured moves relative to the simulated working state of the measuring head.

Metodo mensurae dinamici indicat situationem parterum qui approximant statum utilizae, quod est orientem development technologiae mensurae.