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Evaluere partes stampionis et vide quid fabrica processoris stampionis debet dicere
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Evaluere partes stampionis et vide quid fabrica processoris stampionis debet dicere

Release time:2024-12-11     Number of views :

During the processing, stamping factories can cause various defects such as pits, bumps, cracks, scratches, wrinkles, and indentations on the surface of stamped parts a various reasons. Ut necesse est modos relevantes ad investigationem adoptare. However, the detection method for the appearance defects of stamped parts can only intuitively reflect the existence of the defects, but cannot reflect the severity of the defects themselves.

In hoc tempore, GSQE General Motors (Global Surface Quality Assessment) systema in inspectione apparentiae partium pulsavorum introducta est, dividentem apparentiam diversorum parterum transportationis in quattuor regiones: A, B, C, et D secundum gradum detectionis defecti et impactum defecti super universam apparentiam qualitatem transportationis. A est area completa visibile, B est area generale visibile, C est area invisibilis, D est area completa invisibilis. In addition, based on the degree of impact of appearance defects on the entire vehicle and the difficulty of being discovered, it can be classified in one, two, and three levels from low to high. Prima nivel est gravis retrorsum, i quoniam sine necessitate olei aut omnem reflexionem lucem inveniere potest. Secunda nivella est mala quae per principem reflexionis lucis identificata est. Methodus investigation is est sicut: sta a distancia 23m a puncto investigationis et identificate a duobus vel pluribus directionibus perpendicularis ad punctum 3045. Tres nivel est relative minor nivel malitiae quae non potest videri quando luce forte expositur. Nullus est investigati diligenter et videre illum proximum a una oriente aut perspektiva.

Base on the orientation and difficulty level of the defects, the appearance defects of stamped parts have different deduction values. The inspection personnel of stamping processing plants can judge the severity of the defects based on the deduction values and formulate corresponding preventive measures, which can effectively control the appearance quality of stamped parts.

This article is from EMAR Mold Co., Ltd. For more EMAR related information, please click: www.sjt-ic.com,

Evaluere partes stampionis et vide quid fabrica processoris stampionis debet dicere(pic1)