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Precisitatem parterum machinant
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Precisitatem parterum machinant

Release time:2024-12-13     Number of views :

Precisitatem parterum machinant

The deviation between the actual geometric parameters of the part and the ideal geometric parameters is called machining error. Magnitudo errorum machinae nivellum accuracii machinae reflexit. Quanto maior error, inferior accuracio machinae, minor error, maior accuracio machinae.

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Processing accuractia refert to the degree to which the actual size, shape, and position of the machined part surface conform to the ideal geometric parameters required by the drawing! The ideal geometric parameters, in terms of size, are the average size; For shapes, they are absolute circles, cylinders, planes, cones, and straight lines etc. For mutual positions, it means absolute parallelism, perpendicularity, coaxiality, symmetry, etc.

1. Dimensional accuracy

Gradus conformitatis inter dimensiones acturae partium processorum et centrum tolerantiae zonae partium dimensionum.

2. Precisio formae

The degree of conformity between the actual geometric shape of the machined part surface and the ideal geometric shape.

3. Precisio positionis

The actual positional accuracy difference between the surfaces of the processed parts.

4. Mutual relationship

Usually, when designing machine parts and specifying the machining accuracy of parts, attention should be paid to controlling the shape error within the positional tolerance, and the positional error should be less than the dimensional tolerance. Precisio formae partium precisiorum aut superficium partium importantium maiores sunt quam necessitates precisiae positivae, et necessitates precisiae positivae maiores sunt quam necessitates precisiae dimensionalis.

The deviation between the actual geometric parameters of the part and the ideal geometric parameters is called machining error. Magnitudo errorum machinae nivellum accuracii machinae reflexit. Quanto maior error, inferior accuracio machinae, minor error, maior accuracio machinae.

Processing accuracy is mainly used for the degree of product production, and both processing accuracy and processing error are terms used to evaluate the geometric parameters of the processed surface. Precisio machinae per gradum tolerantiae mensura est, minor gradus, magis precisio; Error processionis numericalis expressus est, et maximus valor, maximus error. Exalta machina precisa significat mali errores machinae, et vice versa.

There are a total of 20 tolerance levels from IT01, IT0, IT1, IT2, IT3 to IT18. Among them, IT01 represents the highest machining accuracy of the part, IT18 represents the lowest machining accuracy of the part, and generally IT7 and IT8 are of medium machining accuracy.

Differentia inter precision et precision: 1. Precisio

Gradus proximitatis inter resultatos mensurae et veritates. Exalta precisa mensurae refert ad minorem systematicam errorem, ubi mediam valorem datum mensurae minus a vero valore devit, sed datum dispersa est, id est, granditudo error is accidentis non clara.

2. Precisio

Refers to the reproducibility and consistency between the results obtained from repeated measurements using the same backup sample. Possibile est alta precisa habere, sed precisa non est precisa. Exemplo, tres resultationes ex mensura longitudine 1mm sunt 1,051mm, 1,053, et 1,052 respectively. Quando alta precision habent, non sunt accurate.

Precisio representat the correctness of measurement results, precision represents the repeatability and reproducibility of measurement results, and precision is a prerequisite for accuracy.