La ?nceputul Anului Nou Lunar 2018, Shenzhen EMAR Precision Technology Co., Ltd. a men?inut pasiune ridicat? ?i spirit de lupt?, primind noi oportunit??i ?i provoc?ri... Din anul lunar 2018, All staffs who worked in Shenzhen Honvision Precision Technology Co,.Ltd are keeping high passion and morale to meet new opportunities and challenges.
Pentru un angajament ?i pentru acela?i obiectiv, EMAR nu va uita inten?ia sa ini?ial?, va avansa ?i va progresa c?tre un nou nivel de precizie ?i calitate mai bun? ?n industria prelucr?rii de precizie; For a commitment, and a same goal, Honvision haven’t forgot its original intentions and move forward. It has stride to a new level of higher precision and better quality in the CNC Machining industry.
We are specialized in
Oferim servicii de prelucrare a componentelor de precizie ?n domeniile echipamentelor medicale, comunica?iilor, optoelectronicei, birourilor ?i automatiz?rii. Oferim prelucrarea centrului de prelucrare CNC, strunjirea CNC ?i prelucrarea compozitelor de frezare ?i alte servicii. Ne str?duim pentru excelen?? ?i mutarea ?n func?ie de cerere. Oamenii EMAR creeaz? fiecare produs cu ingeniozitate, inject?nd sufletul EMAR ?i satisfac?nd nevoile clien?ilor ?n toate aspectele. precision components processing for machine equipment,communication, Photoelectricity, Office and Automation industry , provide the service of CNC machining centre processing, CNC turning and milling. We strive for excellent and action on demand. Honvision’ staff Ingenuity creates all products and infuses their souls to meet our customers needs roundly.
La ?nceputul anului lunar 2018, EMAR a primit dou? oportunit??i majore ?i o veste important? ?n c?l?toria sa: La ?nceputul anului lunar 2018, ?n martie 2018, compania a trecut cu succes certificarea sistemului de management al calit??ii IATF16949:2016 ?n industria auto; In March 2018, our company successfully passed the automotive industry quality management system certification of IATF16949: 2016.
Aceasta ?nseamn? c? EMAR nu numai c? necesit? o gestionare mai strict? a calit??ii produselor, ci ?i m?suri ?n direc?ia prelucr?rii de precizie ?n industria auto... ?nseamn? c? Honor nu este doar mai strict? ?n ceea ce prive?te controlul calit??ii, but also stepped into the pace of precision machining in the automotive industry.
Expozi?ia Interna?ional? de Piese Industriale de la Paris 2018 (MIDEST) ?i cea de-a 19-a Expozi?ie Interna?ional? Shenzhen Machinery Manufacturing Industry (SIMM) sunt pe cale s? ?nceap?. MIDEST 2018 In Paris and the 19th SIMM will open soon.
Expozi?ia MIDEST: Stand 3D11, Sala 3
Expozi?ia SIMM: Stand 4D01 A?tept?m cu ner?bdare vizita dumneavoastr?
?n 2018, EMAR va lucra m?n? ?n m?n? cu dumneavoastr? pentru a depune eforturi neobosite pentru realizarea vie?ii tehnologice viitoare! In 2018, Honvision will work with you hand in hand to make unremitting efforts for the future of science and technology life.