S cie?om zlep?i? presnos? strojov je potrebn¨¦ analyzova? r?zne p?vodn¨¦ chyby, ktor¨¦ sp?sobuj¨² strojov¨¦ chyby, a prija? zodpovedaj¨²ce opatrenia na vyrie?enie hlavn?ch p?vodn?ch chyb, ktor¨¦ sp?sobuj¨² strojov¨¦ chyby pod?a r?znych situ¨¢ci¨ª.
1. By controlling the raw error of the digital control machine tool, the machining accuracy can be improved, the geometric accuracy of the machine tool used for machining components can be enhanced, and the accuracy of instruments, tools, and fixtures can be improved. The errors caused by thermal and stress deformation of the control process system can be minimized to minimize tool wear and deformation errors caused by internal stress, and to reduce measurement errors.
2. p?vodn¨¢ met¨®da kompenz¨¢cie chyb: Ke??e v???inu p?vodn?ch chyb je ?a?k¨¦ odstr¨¢ni?, p?vodn¨¢ kompenz¨¢cia chyb sa tu m??e spracova?. T¨¢to sch¨¦ma kompenzuje inherentn¨¦ p?vodn¨¦ chyby p?vodn¨¦ho procesn¨¦ho syst¨¦mu sp?soben¨¦ ?udsk?mi chybami, zni?uje chyby strojov a zlep?uje presnos? spracovania zariaden¨ª.
3. The meaning of transferring errors is to transfer machining errors to surfaces that do not affect other machining accuracies. Generally speaking, when machining errors occur on production equipment and thermal deformation errors are received, transferring to the non sensitive direction of machining errors significantly improves machining accuracy without affecting equipment accuracy.
V s¨²?asnosti sa neust¨¢le zlep?uj¨² po?iadavky a normy na presnos? strojov mechanick?ch ?ast¨ª. V strojovom procese niektor?ch diel v?ak existuj¨² faktory, ktor¨¦ ?asto ovplyv¨¾uj¨² presnos?. Ak ich nemo?no primerane kontrolova?, je ?a?k¨¦ zaru?i? kvalitu strojov¨¦ho zariadenia, ?o ovplyv¨¾uje kvalitu a bezpe?nos? mechanick?ch zariaden¨ª.
Tento ?l¨¢nok sa zameriava na presnos? ma?ovac¨ªch strojov, zav¨¢dza, ako presnos? ma?ovac¨ªch strojov ovplyv¨¾uje ma?ovanie a strat¨¦gie na zlep?enie presnosti ma?ovac¨ªch strojov. M¨¢me ve?mi vysok¨¦ po?iadavky na presnos? ma?ovac¨ªch strojov a existuj¨² mnoh¨¦ faktory, ktor¨¦ ovplyv¨¾uj¨² presnos? ma?ovac¨ªch strojov. Viem, ?e medzi r?znymi faktormi je presnos? ma?ovac¨ªch strojov d?le?it?m faktorom. In addition, it is necessary to understand that errors inevitably occur during processing, analyze the various original errors that cause processing errors, and take corresponding measures to solve the main original errors that cause processing errors according to the situation.