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Який принцип обробки лазерових результат?в
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Який принцип обробки лазерових результат?в

Час випуску:2024-11-28     К?льк?сть перегляд?в :

Laser cutting has replaced traditional mechanical cutting tools with invisible beams. During laser cutting, a coaxial airflow with the beam is ejected from the cutting head, blowing the melted or vaporized material out from the bottom of the incision. Non standard laser cutting processing is achieved by using the high power density energy generated by laser focusing. It has the advantages of high precision, fast cutting speed, not limited by cutting patterns, automatic discharge to save materials, smooth cutting, and low processing costs, and will gradually improve or replace traditional cutting equipment.

Пп?дп?дкекекекенаднаднаднаднаднаднаднаднаднаднаднаднаднадкомпкомпкомпкомпкомпкомпкомпу лалалалалелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелелеререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререререможе вир?зати будь-яку форму в?льно) ? широку матер?альну адаптац?йн?сть.

Який принцип обробки лазерових результат?в(pic1)

During cutting, a coaxial airflow with the light beam is ejected from the cutting head, blowing out the melted or vaporized material from the bottom of the incision. Gradually widely used in the leather, textile and clothing industries. Under computer control, metal processing manufacturers use laser cutting heads to continuously move and dot the processed material according to a pre drawn pattern, thus processing the object into the desired shape. Can cut any complex shape; High efficiency and low cost, computer designed graphics can cut any size of lace and develop quickly.

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