?? ?? 計算? ?? ????? ???? ????????????????? ????????? ???? ????????? ????????? ????? ????????? ??? ????????-??????????????, ?????????? ???? ??? ??????????????, ??? ?????????. ?? ??pesifi?? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ??pesifi?? ?????. How to use the hardware processing fee of Jiuding Machinery as an example to illustrate the classification based on different processing equipment, and the stamping mold processing components are called hardware processing; ??????????? ?????????, ??????, ??? ????????? ??????????? ????? ?????? Sheet Metal Processing. ?? ????????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ????????, ??? необходимо ?? ????? ?? ???????????????????? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ??? ?????????????. ??????????? ?????????????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ???????????????????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??????????? ?? ?????????????????:
?? ?????-????????????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ?????????? ??????, ?????????? ??????, ?????????-??????, ?????????????????? ???????, 15-20% ?? ??? ?????????????? ????? ?? ?? ????.
1, ???? ?????? The cost of a mold depends on its processing size, processing quantity, precision requirements, etc. ??????????, the processing cost of a mold is much higher than the material cost. 2, ?? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????????=????????? ??????? * ????????????????? * ????????? ????????????????? ???? ??? ????????, ????? ????
??? ???????? ???? ??? ???????? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ????????. ?? ??? ?? ?????????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????????????????????:
1. ?? ?????? ????????????? ???? ?????????? ????????????=??????? ???????????????????, ?????? ????????????, ??????????? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ??????????????: ???????????????????????? ??? ???? ?? ????, ????????????? ???? 200000 ?????/???=20 * 10000/2/12/22/8=47.4 ?????/??? ?????? ??????: ???? ????? ????? ????? ????????????? ??? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ????????. ??? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ????????????. ?? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ????? ??? 5400 ?????/???, ????? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ??? 5400 * 3/22/8=93 ?????/???
????????????????? ??????: ???? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? 2000 ????? ??? ???????? ???? ????, ??計算? ????? 22 ??? ??? 8 ??? ???? ????. ??? ?????? ??? 2000/22/8=11
3. ????????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ??????: ?????????? ??????: =?????? ??????, ?????? ??????, ???????????? ?????????? ??????, ????????????? ???????????. ?? ?????? ?????? ????? 計算? ??? ?????????? ??????, ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ?????, ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ???????? 6-12 ?????/?????????? ????: ?pr????? 6000 ?????/????? ???? ????, 22 ??? ??? 8 ??? ???? ????, ???????? 30 ?????????? ???? ???? ???. Labor cost=6000/22/8/30=1.14 yuan/square meter Auxiliary material cost: The cost of pre-treatment fluid, primer, curing furnace and other auxiliary materials is about 50000 yuan. Spray 30 square meters per hour for 8 hours on 22 days per month. ?? ????????????????? ??????? ??? 50000/22/8/30=9.47 ?????/?????????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ????????????????? ??? ???????? 10.6 ?????/?????????? ?????, ??? ??? ???? ????? ?????
4, ?????? ?????
??????-?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ??????-???????. ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ???? ??? ?????????????????, ?????? ??? ???? ???????????? ???? ?????????? 20-30 ?????/????? ?????. ??????????????? ???????????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??????????????? ??
6, ???????????? ???
Management expenses are divided into two parts: factory rental water and electricity, and financial expenses; ??????????? ????????? ??????????? 10% ???? ??? ??????? ????????? ???????.