??? ????????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????????-????? ??? profits (????????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ???? MOQ), ???? ????? ???? ??????????????? ????? ?????.
?? ???????????????? ??? ???????, ?????????? ??? ??? MOQ
MOQ< 100PCS ????????=?????? X40%
MOQ < 200PCS ????????=?????? X30%
200 MOQ
?????????=(???????????? ??????+??????? ??????????? ?????+????????? ??????? ??????? ??????+???????????? ??????????? ?????+??????????? ?
????? ?????????? ??? ??? ?????????=???????????? ??????+????????????? ??????????? ???+????????????? ??????????? ???+??????????????? ???+??????????? ???
??????? ????????????? ?????? (???? plate, ????.)=?????????????? x ???????? ???????????? x ???????????=???? x ???? x ?????????????? x ????????????? ?????
???????: (???????: ???? ???? ???????? ???????, ??????? ??????????: ???????? ???? ???????? ???????.) ??????????, ?? ? ?????? ??? ????????, ????? ??????? ??? 1984, ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ???????? ??? mērī?ana, ????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ??
Loss rate: Cabinet/rack=115% Chassis/rack=122% Box=130%
=Length of the profile on the drawing+10mm
Net weight=cross-sectional area of aluminum profile x actual material length (drawing profile length+10m m)/10x1000000 x quantity x density (2.75g/m ?)
????? ????=??? ???? x ????????????? ??????????? (???????? 115%, plug in 122%, box 130%)
=unit price x gross weight
(????????????? ??????+???????????? ??????????? ??????+??????????? ?????? ??????)
Actual material used for sheet metal parts=longer edge of the unfolded surface x shorter edge of the unfolded surface x loss coefficient
=????????? ????????????/??????????????? ???? ??? ????
1. ???? S< ??? 0.05m ?, ??? ??????? ??????????? ??? 1.38%
???? 0.05m ?< ??? ???????? ??????????? ??? S< 0.1m ? ??? 1.23%
3. ???? 0.1m ?< ??? ?????????? ??????????? ??? S< 0.25m ? ??? 1.17%
4. ???? 0.25m ?< ??? ???????? ??????????? ??? S< 0.6m ? ??? 1.12%
5. ???? S> ??? ?????????? ??????????? ??? 0.6m ? ??? 1.06%
??? ??? ???? 100?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ??? ???????. ????:
??????????????? (???? ????? ??? ??? ????? 20??????)
???????? ???????????: [(????+????+2) x (????+???+2)]/500x ???? ?????, ?? ???? ?????????? ????/500x ???? ?????
?????????/????????? ????? ??????????: (????+1 ?????? ??????) x (????+1 ?????? ??????)/1000x ???? ???????
?????????? ???? ??????????: 0.08x ???? (?) x ???? (?) x 1.84x ???? ??????????
?????????? ????? ????? ?????????????????: 800X600X140, ?????????? 5T ???????? ??? ?????? 36 ????? ??????, ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? 1.5M
????????????? ???????? ????????: 2000X800X140 (???? ????? ??? ??? ????? 400Kg)
=L9MxW2.4MxH2.5M (volume=54m ?)
?????? ????? ?????=500/??????? ????? ??????????? x 1.17
?? ????: 9 (1/2) x9x7 (1/2) 2PCS ???? ?????
???? 9 (1/2) x 25.4=241.3 800/241.3.=3.319 (????? ??????? ?????)
???? 9x25.4=228.6 600/228.6=2.62 (??????? ????? ?????)
??? 7 (1/2) x25.4=190.5 1500/190.5=7.87
?????? ????=????????? ????? ???? x 36/500 ?????=1/????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????
?? ?????????? ???? ???? ???? ???????, ??? ?????? 2U, ?? ??? ??? ???????? 1,5 ?????
???????????? ??????????/??????? ????: 1U=25S, 2U=35S, ????????/????/???????=45S
?? ?????????? ?????? ???? ????? ???????????????? ??? 40 ????????
??????=3.35 ?????/?????
??????=4.47 ?????/?????
???? 600mm=0.36 yuan/knife L< 1200mm=0.55 yuan/knife L ≥ 1200mm=0.8 yuan/knife
??????????/??????????=0.45 ?????/?????
????????/chamfering/sinking/tapping=0.08 yuan/hole
????? ????????=19 ?????/M ? ???????????=20.5 ?????/M ?
???????? ????????=0.97 ????/?????
????????????/??????=1 ?????/?????, ?????????? ????????=0.12 ?????/??????
???? ?????/????=0.12 ?????/PCS
??????? ????????????????: 45T=0.13 yuan/time 60T=0.16 yuan/time 80T=0.2 yuan/time
110T=0.25 yuan/time 160T=0.29 yuan/time 200T=0.33 yuan/time
M250T=0.35 yuan/time, 400T oil pressure=0.49 yuan/time
??????????: 0.5 ???/?????
???????????=100 ?????/? ?
Spray coating: G127/G150=21.8 yuan/M ? G129/G107=20.1 yuan/?
G108=25.9 yuan/M ? G139=43.7 yuan/M ?
G133=44.4 yuan/m ?
??????????? ????????????????? (G011)=5.98 ?????/???
???? ??????????=8.12 ?????/???
T001=6 yuan/M ?
G002=25.64 ?????/M ?
Tin plating=273.05 yuan/M ? Silver plating=99.27 yuan/M ?
???? ???????????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?????
Calculation of tonnage of manual punching machine: P=TxCxMX1.3/1000 tons
T=material thickness C=punching perimeter M=shear strength 1.3=sum of unloading force+pushing force+top material force
???? 18 ????/??? (A4), ???? ??????????? (??? A4)=???? x ???? x 0.08 ????? (20cm x 30cm) x 0.08=48 ?????
??????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????
?? ?????? ??? ????? ???????????/??????????? ?? ???? ???????????=1 ?????/1
[2500 (??????? ?????????? ????? ????/??????????? ????)] x [1220 (??????? ?????????? ??????????/??????????? ????)]
=number of cutting holes x average cutting speed+cutting edge length x average cutting edge speed
?? ???????????/????????????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??????????? ??? 1.5 ????? ???? ???? ???? ?????????? ???? ??? ??? ??????
????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????????=[2500 (???????? ???? ???? ????????? ???????? ?????????/???? ??? ?????????)] x [1220
1. ????? ???????? ??? ?????? 5% (????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???????????)
??? ???? ???? ??? ??????????? X????? ????????? ??? ?????? ???? 3% -5%
3. ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????????? ?' ?????????????? ??? ?????? ??? 1% -3%
?????? (T3.0-3.5) ?? ?????
?????? (T4.0)
=???????????/??????????? ????+number of cutting holes x average cutting speed+cutting edge length x average cutting speed
?? ???????????/????????????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??????????? ??? 1.5 ????? ???? ???? ???? ?????????? ???? ??? ??? ??????
????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????????=[2500 (???????? ???? ???? ????????? ???????? ?????????/???? ??? ?????????)] x [1220
1. ??? ??? ????? ???=(???????? ????????? CT+??? CT) x ????? ??? ??????=??????? CT ???? x ????? ??? ??????
2. ?? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ???? 10 ????? (2 ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ?????????? склад+4 ????? ?? ??????????? ?? ??????+4 ????? ?? ????? ?? ??????????? ?????? ?? ?? ?????? ???), ??? ?? ?????? ??? 20 ???? ??? ??????. ??? ???????? ??? 10 ?????/??? ???? ??? ??????
3. CT ????=(???????????? ?????+???????????? ?????) x ????????????
4. ???????????? ????: 1. ????????????? ???????????? ??? 5% -10%, ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ???????
2% - 8%, ????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????
?????, ???? ??? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ??????????????? ??? ??? ??????
??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ??????, ??? ???? ???????? ??? ??? ????????? ?? ?? ????????? ???? 100KG, ??? ?? ?????????? ???? 25 yuan/KG
????? 2500 ????? ??? ??? ??????? ??? MOQ ?? ??????? ?????
????????? ?????????????????? ???????????=25 * 100/MOQ
??? ?????? sand ??? Orange grain codes ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ????????????????
?? ????, ??? 20230328, ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ????????? ??? 10000 ????????? ??? ?? ?????????? ????????? ??? 10000, 50% ??? ?? ??? (?? ???? 5000 ?????????) ??? ??? ?????? ????? ?? 5000 ??????????. ??? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? 5000 ??????????, ??? ???? 10000/5000=2 ?????. ??? ?? ?????sniedz? 5000 ??????????, ??? ??? ????????? ???
???? < 3000, ????? ???????? ??????????? ??????, ????? CNC ??????????? ??????, ??????? MOQ ≥ 2500
????: ????? ???? ??? 16000 ?????, MOQ=4000PCS
???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???=16000/4000=4 ?????
??? ?????? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ??? ???????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? 10 ?????
10 + 4 = 14 yuan
Actual market reported expenses to customers=cost x profit
??? ??? 3000????? ???????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ???????. ??? ?? CNC ??? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?? ???????????????????, ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??????.