Cutting vibration usually occurs in the turning of slender shafts, thin-walled components, etc. When the vibration becomes intense, severe vibrations with amplitudes exceeding tens of micrometers are usually accompanied by significant noise. When cutting, the vibration may exceed 100 μ m, and machining is possible, but leaving obvious vibration scratches on the machined surface is not allowed on the precision machined surface.
Vibracija proizvedena od rezanja metal a je vrlo ?tetan fenomen.
1. Affects the surface quality of parts
Ako se vibracija pojavi tijekom strojeva, dogodit ?e se relativno preseljenje izme?u alata i radnog djela, ?to ?e rezultirati oznake vibracije na povr?ini strojeva, ?to ozbiljno utjecati na kvalitet povr?ine i u?inkovitost komponenta
2. Reduce the lifespan of machine tools and tools
When cutting vibration occurs, the process system is continuously subjected to dynamic AC loads, and the cutting tools are very prone to wear (even tool breakage). The connection characteristics of the machine tool are destroyed, and in severe cases, cutting cannot continue
3. Glas mo?e uzrokovati ?tetu zdravlju operatora
The noise generated during vibration can also harm the health of the operator.
Da bi se smanjila vibracija, ponekad je potrebno smanjiti koli?inu smanjenja i smanjiti proizvodnju u?inkovitosti obrade strojeva.
Therefore, in order to ensure the normal operation of this mechanical processing equipment, the control of cutting vibration has become increasingly important.
![数控机床零件加工 Koji su opasnosti rezanja vibracije u CNC strojevima?(pic1)](/2024/1659082745663264.jpg)