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Estne hierarchical structure for CNC machining positions?
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Estne hierarchical structure for CNC machining positions?

Release time:2024-11-30     Number of views :

1. Blue collar workers: CNC Machining operators who are proficient in mechanical processing and CNC machining technology, skilled in operating CNC machine tools and manual programming, familiar with automatic programming and simple maintenance and repair of CNC machine tools. This type of personnel has a high market demand and is suitable as CNC machine tool operators in the workshop. However, due to their limited knowledge, their salary and benefits are not very high.

2. Gray collar layer: Firstly, CNC machining programmer: proficient in CNC machining technology knowledge and CNC machine tool operation, familiar with the design and manufacturing of complex molds, proficient in 3D CAD/CAM software such as UG, PRO/E, etc; Proficient in CNC automatic programming and manual programming techniques. Hoc typus personalis habet altum interrogationem, sublime in industria fabricae, ubi popularissima sunt et excelsa salaria accipiunt. Secondly, maintenance and repair personnel for CNC machine tools: proficient in the mechanical structure and electromechanical integration of CNC machine tools, proficient in the operation and programming of CNC machine tools, familiar with the characteristics, software and hardware structures, PLC and parameter settings of various CNC systems. Proficient in debugging mechanical and electrical and maintenance of CNC machine tools. Request talem personalem relativamente paululum est, sed cultivare illos difficile est et requirit multam experientiam praeceptam accumulationem. Currente magnam defectum talem personalem est, et remuneration eorum etiam relativamente alta est.

3. Golden collar layer: belongs to the category of CNC machining generalists, possessing and proficient in the comprehensive knowledge required for CNC machining operation technicians, CNC programmers, and CNC maintenance and repair personnel, and has accumulated a large amount of practical experience in actual work, with a wide range of knowledge. Proficient in design mechanical structures of CNC machine tools and electrical design of CNC systems, and proficient in the electromechanical integration of CNC machine tools. Potentia CNC systemas independentem selectare, designare, install, debugging, and maintaining electrical systems for CNC machines. Potens independentem conplere transformationem CNC instrumentorum machinarum est talentum interuzentibus, particular interuzentibus privatis, cum altissimis salariis.

At this point, which level of CNC machining are you belonging to?