Obal bat¨¦rie l¨ªtia je z¨¢kladnou zlo?kou nov?ch energetick?ch vozidiel. Pri pou?¨ªvan¨ª ob¨¢lkovej dosky l¨ªtia bat¨¦rie mus¨ªme pochopi? jeho hlavn¨² funkciu. Pozrime s a teraz spolu.
1. Its main function is to reduce overcurrent and minimize the probability of the flip chip melting, which can effectively reduce the risk of power battery fire and explosion, and greatly improve the safety performance of the battery.
Ochrann¨¢ tabu?ka bat¨¦rie l¨ªtia pre automobily
![Æû³µï®µç³Ø¸Ç°å Ak¨¢ je hlavn¨¢ funkcia krytej tabu?ky litovej bat¨¦rie?(pic1)](/2024/1655896344848791995.jpg)
2. Tento typ v?robku m¨¢ vysok¨² bezpe?nostn¨² v?konnos?, pe?a ?ovaciu v?konnos?, izola?n¨² v?konnos? a vysok¨² teplotn¨² rezistenciu. Aj pri ve?mi vysok?ch teplot¨¢ch nebud¨² existova? ?iadne probl¨¦my s topen¨ªm alebo bezpe?nos?ou, ktor¨¦ m??u udr?a? bat¨¦riu v relat¨ªvne stabilnom stave.
(3) Ochrann¨¢ tabu?ka bat¨¦rie l¨ªtia je ?ahk¨¢, mal¨¢, ?ahko in ?talovan¨¢ a po in?tal¨¢cii nevytv¨¢ra ve?k? pocit bez negat¨ªvnych vizu¨¢lnych ¨²?inkov.
The above is the main function reflected by lithium battery cover plates. Before use, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the function of lithium battery cover plates in order to better install and choose such products.