
Dobr? de¨¾! Vitajte na webovej str¨¢nke spolo?nosti EMAR!
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Nemecko a Japonsko vysokopresn¨¦ v?robn¨¦ a sk¨²?obn¨¦ zariadenia zabezpe?uj¨², aby presnos? kovov?ch ?ast¨ª dosiahla toleranciu 0,003 a vysok¨² kvalitu.
po?tov¨¢ schr¨¢nka£º
The company has recently successfully completed its relocation and expansion tasks (as shown in the picture)
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The company has recently successfully completed its relocation and expansion tasks (as shown in the picture)

?as uvo?nenia£º2024-11-28     Po?et n¨¢zorov :

In order to significantly expand the company's production capacity and meet the growing customer demand, the company has recently successfully relocated to a new location. The relocated EMAR has 2-3 times the current scale of production increase space, providing customers with high-quality and fast services with more competitive economies of scale.

Nov¨¢ adresa spolo?nosti je Building 3, Anjia Industrial Park, Shangshi, Gongming Office, Guangming New District, Shenzhen.

Kontaktn¨¦ inform¨¢cie, ako s¨² telef¨®n, fax a e-mail, zost¨¢vaj¨² nezmenen¨¦.

Cel¨¢ samostatn¨¢ v?robn¨¢ budova, v ktorej sa podnik nach¨¢dza, m¨¢ celkov¨² v?robn¨² a kancel¨¢rsku plochu takmer 5000 ?tvorcov?ch metrov s dobr?m vetrom a osvetlen¨ªm.